Amid the untimely news of B.B. King’s death, a video surfaced of President Obama singing along with the Blues king to “Sweet Home Chicago.”
As can be seen from the video, B.B. King’s band was jamming out, just finishing a set. However, with President Obama on the scene, King’s band convinced him get on the mic as they finished the nostalgic song “Sweet Home Chicago.”
As the president recapped the video, he had the following to say about B.B. King and his music.
“Three years ago, Michelle and I hosted a blues concert at the White House. I hadn’t expected that I’d be talked into singing a few lines of ‘Sweet Home Chicago’ with B.B. by the end of the night, but that was the kind of effect his music had, and still does.
“He gets stuck in your head, he gets you moving, he gets you doing the things you probably shouldn’t do – but will always be glad you did. B.B. may be gone, but that thrill will be with us forever. And there’s going to be one killer blues session in heaven tonight.”
So, while some people are saying that “the thrill is gone,” it appears that it’s not gone but will forever be present. President Obama had more to say about King , as follows.
“No one worked harder than B.B. No one inspired more up-and-coming artists. No one did more to spread the gospel of the blues.”
What are your thoughts? Do you listen to B.B. King’s music? How did you feel when you heard about his death?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
[Photo Credits: YouTube]