This colorful crayfish has been seen in pet stores since the 2000s, but that doesn’t mean scientists knew what type of crayfish they were looking at. Those who knew the secret were keeping it under wraps. Christian Lukhaup was one scientist who had to know the answer.
The colorful crayfish has been calling aquariums home for about a decade, and while it was known to the scientific community, it was still a mystery. Suppliers that brought the creatures into the shops were secretive, not wanting to divulge the whereabouts of the crayfish. They feared that someone might muscle in on their business.
Lukhaup, a German scientist, was just too curious about the bright-colored creature. He had to know where it came from and exactly what species it was. He set out on a quest that would take him to a river in Indonesia.
According to New Scientist , there were some clues that helped get Lukhaup started . The newly discovered crayfish held some common characteristics with other known species in the Cherax genus that is commonly found in Australia and New Guinea. Lukhaup began asking the locals if they had ever seen such a colorful crayfish, and eventually he was pointed in the direction of West New Guinea.
More like a CRAY-CRAY-fish amirite
— Atlas Obscura (@atlasobscura) May 15, 2015
After years of searching, Lukhaup finally hit the jackpot in Hoa Creek in West Papua, Indonesia. He has also confirmed that more of the crayfish live in another, nearby creek.
Lukhaup named the cutie Cherax pulcher . Pulcher means “beautiful” in Latin, and to Lukhaup this is one pretty crustacean.
Though he fears for the future of the species , reports the Washington Post .
“According to local collectors in the area and the city of Sorong, the populations of the species have been decreasing in the last few years,” Lukhaup writes. “Clearly, the continued collection of these crayfish for the trade is not a sustainable practice, and if the popularity of the species continues, a conservation management plan will have to be developed, including a captive breeding program.”
Not only are the crayfish being captured for home aquariums, they are also a food source for those living on the Indonesian island. Pollution is another concern.
The animal world is always full of surprises. We have all sorts of creatures swimming around in our water systems from colorful crayfish in creeks to living fossils in the ocean .
Would you want this beautiful and colorful crayfish in your aquarium?
[Photos via Christian Lukhaup]