When it comes to eating healthy, most doctors will suggest a balanced diet, full of fruits, vegetables, and a bunch of nutritious vitamins.
These days, low carb-high protein diets seem to be all the rage, with the Paleo diet, an offshoot of the old Atkins diet, gaining in popularity over the past five years. And while there’s little doubt that going easy on the carbs is good advice, one family-of-four has taken that principle to new lengths, eating zero carbs and almost only meat for the past 17 years!
It was back in the mid-90s when Joe Anderson and his wife Charlene decided to take on the high protein diet, after the latter was diagnosed with Lyme disease, meaning the only food she could eat without having an allergic reaction is red meat.
As Joe said in a recent interview, “This blew us away: fatty red meat, the very thing that had been demonized by the entire health community was giving her strength.”
When the family’s diet changed and they turned to zero carbs , they included foods like eggs and cheese, as well as fish, chicken, and lamb. Despite that, the Andersons said they only really felt good when they ate beef.
As Joe explained, “The more we ate beef, the less we desired other meats. I noticed that eggs and dairy gave me puffy eyes, frequent headaches and a stuffy nose.”
So, dinner at the Andersons for Joe, Charlene, and the boys, Charlie and George, usually consists of rib-eye beef, with lots of fat , which they eat until they are full, “We all eat until we’re stuffed. I mean literally,” Joe revealed. “Thanksgiving full. Every night is an all out gorge fest!”
Joe added, “Early on, we ate grass-fed exclusively. We were pain-in-the-ass, religious zealots about it until we realised that we felt better eating grass-raised, grain-finished good ol’ fashioned grocery store meat. Goodbye frozen bricks of way too lean beef, goodbye toe cramps and leg cramps in the middle of the night, goodbye restless nights, goodbye to our air of superiority as we attempted to savor the flavor of a cut of meat from an obviously undernourished animal.”
One issue for the Andersons is the extremely high grocery bills they have to pay, with them standing at between $1,000 – $1,750 per month.
The boys also spoke about how much they love dinner time at home, as 10-year-old Charlie said, “My favorite thing about eating this way is how good steak tastes.”
[Image credit: youtube.com]