Freddie Gray was allegedly a police informant, an anonymous Baltimore cop, or someone claiming to be, told Megyn Kelly last night in an appearance on The Kelly File . The cop even referred to Gray as a “great witness.”
Grey’s death from a spinal injury while in police custody has touched off civil unrest in Baltimore.
Maryland prosecutor Marilyn J. Mosby announced yesterday that six Baltimore cops, three of whom are black, will face charges ranging from misconduct to murder in connection with the events that led to the death of Gray, a 25-year-old African American. She also insisted that there was no probable cause to arrest Freddie Gray in the first place.
Referred to only as “Mike,” the cop’s face was not shown on TV to protect “his” identity according to Megyn Kelly, and an electronic device disguised his voice so that it wasn’t completely clear whether he was male or female.
Mike claims he knows all six officers personally, having worked with all of them, and has discussed the Freddie Gray incident with two of them. He asserted that Gray asked for his asthma pump after a foot chase with the cops, but didn’t ask for medical attention. Gray also got into the van on his accord, according to Mike. He also claimed that Gray was probably dealing drugs when the cops went after him.
Mike suggested that Freddie would pretend he was resisting so that no one would realize he was cooperating with police.
“…Going back to the ‘snitches get stitches’ things, Freddie was one of those ones where a lot of times he would put on that show on the streets, but you would bring him into the station, and he was a great witness. I mean, he helped the department solve many crimes and different acts of violence. So it wasn’t uncommon for Freddie to do that type of thing and then go into the station…”
When Kelly asked him why Gray wasn’t shackled or belted in while being transported in the police van, Mike suggested that the cops expected him to calm once he was isolated in the police vehicle. Although it is protocol, it would be unsafe for an officer to try to put a seatbelt on a combative suspect, he added.
Separately, in addressing the Freddie Gray incident, The Wire creator and former Baltimore Sun police reporter David Simon blamed the city’s politically ambitious former mayor, Martin O’Malley, who subsequently became governor, for undermining the relationship between law enforcement and inner-city communities through mass-arrest policies.
Megyn Kelly’s discussion with Mike covered other issues related to the Freddie Gray incident in Baltimore. Watch the interview below and draw your own conclusions.–HoX_dDOs
Do you think it’s plausible at all that Freddie Gray was a Baltimore police informant/witness, which is sometimes described as a snitch?
[Image via YouTube]