A cop forced a woman to sit in her hot car with the windows barely cracked, so that she could understand what it’s like when she leaves her dog in the same manner. According to the Huffington Post , an unidentified cop in Strongsville, Ohio decided to teach a woman a lesson after he found her dog inside of her car in a Walmart parking lot. Rather than give her a citation, the police officer thought it would be better to show her what it’s really like for her pup, in hopes that she’d realize that it’s dangerous.
“To prove a point, the officer made the woman sit inside of the warm car with the windows up and without the engine on for a few minutes. The woman said she was fine but the officer noted she looked uncomfortable. The woman was advised if she did this again she would be cited.”
The cop that told the woman to sit in the hot car wasn’t the first one to do so. According to Mail Online , officers all over the country have been trying to teach lessons to pet owners, many of whom feel as though their pets are just fine in their cars regardless of the outside temps. However, videos have been posted online showing just how hot it does get inside a car and imagining a dog (literally wearing a fur coat) being forced to stay there for even a few minutes isn’t safe.
And, sadly, some people choose to leave children in their hot cars too. There have been several deaths related to people leaving kids in their cars on hot days, and each summer, there seems to be more and more stories that report these tragic cases. Evidently, some people don’t understand that leaving the window cracked doesn’t mean much at all.
As previously reported by the Inquisitr , the temperature inside a car can heat up in just minutes.
“Hundreds of pets die yearly from heat exhaustion. People often use the excuse that the window was slightly cracked open or it wasn’t hot out.”
The cop that told the woman to sit in the hot car hasn’t faced any kind of punishment, and, as far as the public is concerned, the woman hasn’t filed a complaint.
Do you think police officers should be teaching lessons to pet owners who leave their furry friends in hot cars?
[Photo by Sandra Mu/Getty Images]