In what might possibly be the funniest Facebook friend suggestion to date a man who was trying to marry a second wife was outed recently when Facebook’s friend suggestion engine told wife no. 1 to friend wife no. 2.
Here’s how the scenario played out according to News Tribune:
“A woman you left three years ago but remain married to gets a recommendation from Facebook to “friend” a woman she doesn’t know. Unbeknownst to her, you married the mystery woman after changing your name. Wife No. 1 clicks on the link. The mystery woman’s profile photo shows you and her in nice clothes standing next to a wedding cake.”
Wife No. 1 then called the mans mother and the entire situation escalated until eventually the man who happens to be a corrections officer was arrested, put on unpaid administrative leave and then charged with bigamy.
The man, Alan O’Neill, previously known as Alan Fulk, will return to court on March 22 for one felony count.
Alan and his wife married in 2001 and stayed married for eight years until he moved out in 2008. The couple never filed for divorce which means they are still legally married.
In December 2011 O’Neill changed his name at the state court level and then married his second wife.
O’Neill promised wife No. 1 that he would “fix” the situation but instead she alerted authorities who used records held at the Auditor’s Office and District Court to determine he was in violation of the law.
So there you have it, hiding your dual marriages from both wives is a really stupid thing to do if you are friends with one of them on Facebook .