Spider-Man is considered one of the best and most beloved superheros in the Marvel Universe. Young comic readers and movie watchers always relate well to him because he’s near or the same age. Whether he’s in college or in high school at the same time he fights crime on the streets of New York, he’s always fun to watch. However, many thought that we wouldn’t see the most popular Spider-Man in Peter Parker. Many thought that when Marvel managed to get permission to use Spider-Man from Sony, he’d be changed from Peter Parker to Miles Morales.
While Miles is lesser known to people, he does bring a new taste to the fold which would have been good to see on screen. Marvel’s Kevin Feige let us know and even told us the age gap they want to use, telling Collider :
“In terms of the age of an actor we’ll eventually cast, I don’t know. In terms of the age of what we believe Peter Parker is, I’d say 15-16 is right.”
The cool part comes down to the fact that while Sony does retain ownership of Spider-Man, Marvel Studios shares rights to him. Marvel’s Kevin Feige will be overseeing the Spider-Man project which will be fun and interesting. Many wanted to see Andrew Garfield stay on as the web-slinger, but due to the move to a different studio, Marvel wants to change things up and use someone new. On top of that, due to the story arc changing Marvel simply cannot use Garfield.
Fiege said about the move to a new Spider-Man…
“Some of my favorite Spider-Man arcs and Spider-Man stories, he’s in high school for a lot of it. We want to explore that. That also makes him very, very different from any of our other characters in the [Marvel Cinematic Universe], which is something else we want to explore: how unique he is when now put against all these other characters.”
While is is unknown how he’ll do so, Spider-Man will be making his first Disney/Marvel film appearance in Captain America: Civil War in May of 2016. Then in July of 2017, a new Spider-Man film will come out. This allows Spider-Man to have his own new franchise started along with being part of Marvel’s Civil War story, which includes many of the Marvel Superheros. Some of which Marvel will have a hard time bringing in such as Wolverine and the Fantastic Four.
However, once Spider-Man is established in 2017 he’ll be able to pretty much jump into the Civil War story.
Who will play the next Peter Parker ? That much is unknown. Now that Garfield is out, we have to consider younger prospects, Many have hoped for Logan Lerman who fits the young look, but may be too old by the time they want to set the movie up for it to make sense. However, there are others who could fit if given the proper age gap. While it would be ideal for Marvel to find the perfect 15 or 16 year old actor, chances are they’ll keep the gap open to people 15 to 20 years old.
The interesting part of this is that Marvel can pretty much create someone who they’ll be able to put a big franchise around. By making Parker younger, they not only can use him in a few years of high school but he can also be used once he’s older. Spider-Man has always been a younger character, so despite his age being 16 or 17 by the time he shows up in Civil War, no one will see an issue. So Marvel can go young and still win in more ways than one.
[IMG Credits: Denofgeek.com, screenrant.com]