The premiere episode of season 7 of The Real Housewives of New York City aired on Tuesday night and one of its stars, Ramona Singer, is already embroiled in a feud. However, the feud is not with her current co-stars but with a former co-star, Jill Zarin, and a fellow Bravo reality TV star, Patti Stanger.
After the premiere episode, Ramona appeared on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live talk show. When a viewer called in to ask about the recent comment that Patti, star of The Millionaire Matchmaker , made, Ramona interrupted the caller and dismissed Patti’s claim as false and made simply because she “likes to be relevant,” like former New York City housewife Jill Zarin.
“I know what she said. And none of it’s true. And you know what? I almost wanted to call her and say, ‘What the, what the heck are you saying?’ But I said, ‘You know what? I’m not doing that.’ I think she’s a little bit like Jill, she likes to be relevant and impressed by using other people, so yeah.”
What the caller was referring to was Patti’s claim, made during her own appearance on Watch What Happens Live a few weeks ago, that she and Jill witnessed firsthand Mario being unfaithful to Ramona. When a caller asked Patti if she saw signs of Ramona and Mario’s divorce, Patti replied, “I was there that night he cheated…I saw him pick the girl.”
Patti Stanger explained to a shocked Andy Cohen that she and Jill Zill were at a party in the Hamptons. Mario and Ramona Singer were at the party. Also at the party was Kasey Dexter, the young woman who ended up being the one Mario had a long affair with behind Ramona’s back.
“I noticed that everybody there was a little too wasted. Everybody seemed a little too flirty – almost overtly. We went to the dessert table and I noticed that Mario was talking to this young lady who was a little bit out of his league. She was very young. In her twenties. Ramona was watching. Ramona was mad…You could see he was a target, but that he was excited to be a target. They both went for each other and eyes locked…I just felt creepy about the whole thing. I feel sorry for [Ramona]…When I saw the stories about him cheating on Ramona with someone else, I said, ‘That’s the girl!’”
Patti fired several tweets after hearing Ramona accusing her of trying to be relevant. Patti said that she doesn’t need Ramona to be relevant.
Ha ha @ramonasinger @BravoWWHL I was there and I don’t need you to be relevant. @Andy
— Patti Stanger (@pattistanger) April 8, 2015
She maintained that she both she and Jill saw Mario cheat .
I am not a liar tweeties and have never ever been one. I was at hamptons party with @Jillzarin and saw Mario cheat. True dat!
— Patti Stanger (@pattistanger) April 8, 2015
Patti even told Ramona to put down the wine .
FYI tons of other people at the party saw it too @ramonasinger put down the #pinotgrigio n come clean? @Jillzarin
— Patti Stanger (@pattistanger) April 8, 2015
The most vicious tweet may have come from Jill. Jill, who starred on The Real Housewives of New York City for four seasons, said that Ramona is jealous of Patti. Jill even added that it’s no wonder Mario doesn’t want Ramona anymore.
So true. So jealous of you Patti and very sad. You wonder why he doesn’t want her anymore? RT @pattistanger …
— Jill Zarin (@Jillzarin) April 8, 2015
Besides Jill Zarin and Patti Stanger, Ramona Singer may soon be battling Sonja Morgan. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Sonja recently slammed Ramona for “NEVER” being there for her .
[Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images]