Jon Cryer is indulging in a tell-all when it comes to his former co-star Charlie Sheen, and that includes confessing Sheen’s revelation about prostitutes to the formerly innocent actor. The Two and a Half Men star discovered how to hire paid escorts from Sheen after a rough divorce, reported the New York Daily News .
Sheen taught Cryer the intricacies involved in hiring prostitutes to try to cheer him after he was depressed by his divorce to actress Sarah Trigger in 2004. And Charlie made it clear that he had invested considerable thought in the process.
“We talked about prostitutes. He’d said publicly that you don’t pay prostitutes to come to your house; you pay them to leave. He’d thought this through, obviously.”
Jon is candid in admitting that he felt undesirable after the split from Sarah. So when Charlie suggested his own remedy for depression, Jon thought it might help him get back in the swing of the dating life.
“I was in a bad state right after my divorce, and I certainly didn’t feel dateable. I was an emotional basket case,” confessed Cryer. “I decided I might as well pay someone for company and certain intimate pleasures so that I could at least get my equilibrium back with the opposite sex.”
However, Jon didn’t find the success that Sheen apparently enjoyed, he wrote in his book So That Happened , quoted in the Hollywood Reporter .
When the call girl started talking about her finances, Jon felt compelled to help.
“Somehow I ended up spending 25 minutes of my hour helping her with financial planning,” Cryer sheepishly admits.
As for Charlie’s numerous famed meltdowns, Jon claims that Sheen didn’t always fall apart predictably.
“Even when I secretly hoped for a sighting of Sheen decadence, as when we traveled to Las Vegas to promote the show by hobnobbing with CBS affiliates from around the country, I was confronted by a pretty grounded, sober married guy. We landed in Vegas, and I was ready to get the Sin City tour from my co-star. Instead, he went to his room and took a nap. We showed up at the party for the syndicated stations, and then Charlie went back to his room to sleep. I watched our director, Jim Burrows, play blackjack. What happened in Vegas didn’t have to stay in Vegas because it was boring as s**t.”
But Jon does reveal one time when Charlie had a spectacular meltdown.
“Charlie didn’t look so good as we started our eighth season in fall 2010: gaunt, pale, sallow, even sweaty occasionally,” recalls Cryer. “He started talking to himself.”
In addition, Sheen’s acting suffered, says Jon.
“His timing started to go off, too. He was rushing lines. Charlie just wasn’t hitting the jokes the way he used to.”
At one point, Charlie wanted Jon to join his wife, Denise, and children on an excursion to see the Broadway production of Mary Poppins . Although Cryer wasn’t there, he learned the details of what happened the next day in media reports about Sheen’s meltdown.
“I’m not saying Mary Poppins always has a calming, cheerful influence on everybody, but Charlie had his own interpretation of the kind of spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down, as I learned the next day when I read about his ‘booze-and-blow binge’ — so described by The New York Daily News — and the ‘semipro’ escort found naked and locked in the closet of his trashed hotel room. I texted him if he wanted to talk, and he texted, ‘Thanks, bro. … Shoulda stayed for the whole Poppins show. … Oops .’ “
Sheen isn’t the only celebrity to have a very public “booze binge.” As the Inquisitr reported, Scott Disick just checked into rehab after a heavy drinking bout during a weekend visit to Atlantic City.
[Photo By Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images]