ISIS cross-dressing reports are filtering in from Instagram and other websites across the Internet, complete with photos. According to Iraqi militia, they have caught and photographed a number of men resorting to dressing up as women in order to flee the battlefield.
The Daily Mail reports that the men have varied in age and are hoping to escape based on a battle stipulation of Sharia law that prevents women from fighting. The unnamed man that is pictured above is just one of the several that have been posted to Instagram. Others show an older man wearing lipstick, a frightened young man in pink eyeshadow, and a mustached man in a bra.
One of the big motivators for escaping battle is that many Jihadists are terrified of being killed in battle by a woman “because they think it will stop them getting their 72 virgins in heaven,” the Mail notes.
In a report from Metro , the images were said to be taken in the Baiji region of northern Iraq.
Some of the other images that were released by Iraqi fighters in addition to the ISIS crossdressing pics include images of dead Islamic State fighters that can’t be shown here due to the graphic nature.
The crossdressing pics have — as you would guess — stirred up quite a few guffaws on Facebook, with many commenters referring to the ISIS fighters as “cowards” and “hypocrites.”
That’s pretty much been par for the course from the West since the Islamic State released its first beheading video of journalist James Foley in 2014.
Long before they were shaving heads and facial hair, donning wigs and female garb, there has been some question as to the courage behind cutting off the heads of non-military personnel like journalists and photographers, who were simply there documenting events.
Nevertheless, the Islamic State continues to be quite competent when it comes to recruiting, even attracting some Americans , such as this trio of girls from America, who were stopped in Germany on their way to join ISIS.
The three girls [from Denver] were apparently planning to join ISIS in Syria without their parent’s knowledge, by flying to Turkey via Germany. The FBI are currently scouring the girl’s laptops to see how and who they were recruited by.
Malak Eldie, a member of Denver’s Sudanese community, told reporters that the girl who joined the two sisters was recruited after “they got her to go by saying ‘if you do this it will good for Islam.’ She didn’t go to fight America,” said Eldie.
Do you think the ISIS crossdressing pics are proof of the group’s cowardice, or are these the exceptions to the rule?