Keeping Up with the Kardashians star Scott Disick seems determined to earn his nickname, The Lord. At least when it comes to the paid club hosting scene.
According to TMZ , Scott Disick just landed a sweet gig hosting an epic party at Crazy Horse, a new adult entertainment venue in Pompano Beach, Florida. For the event, which is reportedly scheduled for April 25, Disick will be flown to Florida first class, receive accommodations in a plush hotel sweet, and get meals all on the tab of Crazy Horse. At the end of the hosting gig, Disick will reportedly receive $50,000. Not bad for a single night’s work.
How Disick managed to secure such a sweet appearance fee in light of his recent bad press is a mystery. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Disick touched off a minor international incident when he bailed on two separate nightclub appearances in the United Kingdom. Event organizers at the nightclubs say Disick cancelled his appearances mere hours before they were scheduled to begin.
Fans who attended one of the two events Disick did manage to make during his United Kingdom hosting tour claim that Disick was more than three hours late and refused to speak with any of his fans who paid as much as £90 for the honor of sharing a room with him. Fans at the second of the four events Disick managed to attend claim that the reality star seemed confused and belligerent. At least one of the nightclubs Disick stiffed, Cameo, is threatening legal action.
Despite the exclusive news breaking on TMZ , the ad for Scott Disick’s April 25 appearance at Crazy Horse is nowhere to be found on the venue’s website. Could the owners of the adult entertainment venue be holding out for assurances that Disick won’t bail on them the way he did on promoters in the United Kingdom?
If Crazy Horse is waiting for assurances, they may have them before the week is finished. Disick is scheduled to appear March 15 at El Hefe, a Mexican restaurant and nightclub in Chicago.
Sundays are for spending with The Lord. @elhefechicago Let The Lord be with you. #ElHefe #ObeyTheBoss #ThatConfettiLife #SundayFunday #Obeythelord #Letthelordbewithyou”
A photo posted by Scott Disick (@letthelordbewithyou) on
On March 14, Disick was scheduled to appear at The Pool After Dark, an enclosed nightclub with a pool at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City.
#AC are you ready for this Saturday #Night @PoolafterDark with #Beatclan?? #DoAC A photo posted by Scott Disick (@letthelordbewithyou) on
If the photographs posted to The Pool After Dark’s official Instagram account are any indication, a good time was had by all.
THE LORD IS IN THE HOUSE!! @letthelordbewithyou #poolafterdark @howie_nightlife @beatclan
A photo posted by @poolafterdark on