World’s Ugliest Woman Documentary: Film Explores Life Of Lizzie Velasquez, An Anti-Bullying Activist

The World’s Ugliest Woman documentary features the life of 26-year-old Lizzie Velasquez in a film called A Brave Heart: Lizzie Velasquez Story. The woman is famous for her looks in a different way than her attractive counterparts are, but she has a powerful message that has reached millions. She’s an anti-bullying activist with a confidence so strong it can’t help but make her a beautiful person to many.

BBC reports that Velasquez suffers from two rare conditions — Marfan and lipodystrophy. The young woman can eat all she wants and won’t gain an ounce. She stands five-feet, two-inches tall and is only 60 pounds.

When this woman — dubbed the “World’s Ugliest Woman” — was in kindergarten, she remembers classmates avoiding her like the plague. In high school she saw a video of herself online titled “world’s ugliest woman” that was eight seconds long. She read every single comment of the thousands posted that were so mean, she cried for days and was unable to talk to anyone about it.

When viewers watch the “world’s ugliest woman” documentary, they’ll find out that Valesquez, who is from Texas, is blind in one eye and one foot has serious issues due to the lack of fat it has. When she was born at just two-pounds, 10-ounces, her parents were told they would most likely have to take care of her the rest of their lives.

Lizzie Velasquez is not a victim. She’s proactive in her objectives, which is to help others who suffer from bullying. Velasquez has a YouTube channel with over 309,000 followers.

This amazing woman’s documentary will be shown Saturday at the SXSW Film Fesitval in Austin, Texas. She talks about the importance of her message that she hopes this special will focus on. Lizzie talks about how to see her movie in the video clip posted above.

Velasquez has immense, solid support from her parents. She credits them for instilling the self-confidence she has.

One commenter on her latest YouTube video writes an encouraging message.

“… Just wanted to say you are an inspiration to all. Truly, to find forgiveness in your heart for the misery you have suffered at less understanding people’s hands, shows you to be exceptional. Your parents sound absolutely lovely, hold onto them and the positivity they have instilled in you. Have subscribed to keep in touch with how you’re doing… “

For anyone who’s ever felt bullied or isolated for being different, Lizzie Velasquez has been there too often. Be sure to watch the documentary and get to know her better.

[Photo by Michael Buckner/Getty Images for SXSW]

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