Sarah Palin published an article on the Fox News website criticizing how Hillary Clinton is lacking transparency and how she chooses to handle her recent email controversy.
The former governor of Alaska claims that since Hillary Clinton has not handed over her private email server and email accounts, the former U.S. Secretary of State, First Lady, and U.S. Senator may have had incriminating emails deleted.
Palin suggests American citizens should demand more from Clinton since she desires to become the next president of the United States.
In the article she published on Fox News’ website on March 9, Sarah Palin addressed the need for clarification concerning private email accounts used by government officials.
On one hand, Palin says she realizes private email accounts are legal and should be used for personal business or when campaigning; pointing out she was subject to intense scrutiny in 2008 when she campaigned for vice-president.
On the Fox News website, Palin described the events that took place upon returning home to Alaska after campaigning.
“After I returned home from the 2008 vice presidential campaign, the state of Alaska was flooded with innumerable FOIA requests to see literally every single email I ever wrote while governor.”
Palin added more about her experience with providing transparency and cooperating with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
“In fact, the release of my emails was a great boon for Alaska’s tourism industry because dozens of national reporters descended on Alaska to pour through tens of thousands of pages of my emails looking for some smoking gun. They even crowd-sourced the work out to the general public to help them look for dirt! They were sorely disappointed.”
Other than emails protected by attorney/client privileges, Palin said she and her staff were as transparent as possible.
“When FOIA requests bombarded us, investigators and our attorney general’s office were given full access to all of my state and private emails. The only emails redacted were the very few that were protected by attorney/client privilege; a determination agreed upon by my lawyers and the Attorney General’s office who reviewed them.”
On the other hand, Palin claims Hillary Clinton had a private server handling all of her and her staff’s emails, in which Clinton had full control.
Furthermore, Sarah Palin implies Hillary Clinton may be dishonest.
“An honest politician has nothing to fear from the public seeing her emails. I know this. Eventually all but those few redacted emails of mine were released to the public and remain online to this day for anyone to read at any time.”
World News Videos | US News Videos In addition, Sarah Palin suggests there are missing emails of Hillary Clinton .
“Unfortunately for America, we have no way of knowing what’s already missing from among Secretary Clinton’s emails. In fact, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chair of the House select committee investigating Benghazi, explained that the emails she submitted to his committee contain huge gaps spanning months.”
Palin’s expresses her concern in her recent Twitter post.
RT @fxnopinion . @SarahPalinUSA : I faced tough questions over email, so should @HillaryClinton
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) March 9, 2015
Sarah Palin was the youngest and first female Alaskan governor. She was also the first Republican Party female to run in a presidential campaign. Currently, Sarah Palin provides commentary pertaining to politics for Fox News .
[Featured image courtesy of Alex Wong/Getty Images]