Fans attending this year’s Pro Bowl in Hawaii actively booed their favorite NFL players for what they saw as a lackluster attempt at performing in the league’s All Star game and those fans were’t the only disapproving spectators, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell talked with ESPN Radio on Sunday and revealed that the game could be eliminated.
Talking on Mike and Mike in the Morning Goodell said he has already began addressing the “quality of the game” with the NFL Players association:
“I really didn’t think that was the kind of football that we want to be demonstrating for our fans,” Goodell said. “And you heard it from the fans. The fans were actively booing in the stands. They didn’t like what they were seeing.”
The NFL Commissioner also said if the game continues to be played something needs to change immediately:
“We’re either going to have to improve the quality of what we’re doing in the Pro Bowl or consider other changes or even considering eliminating the game if that’s the kind of quality game we’re going to provide,” Goodell said.
Goodell admitted that fans weren’t given what was promised to them:
“I know players love to be in Hawaii but we have to start with the quality of what we’re doing,” Goodell said. “If the fans are responding negatively to what we’re doing, we better listen. And that was my message.”
That sentiment appears to be shared by at least some players, Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers recently called his NFC teams performance “embarrassing” while admitting that his teammates “didn’t put any effort into it.”
Do you think the Pro Bowl needs to be eliminated or should players simply take the all star event more seriously in order to get fans involved.