A lot has happened since TMZ revealed that Chris Brown has fathered a 9-month-old daughter. His ex, Rihanna, is allegedly “shocked,” and his on-again-off-again girlfriend Karrueche Tran revealed on social media that she’s leaving him. Now, it looks like Chris Brown may have another father to fight with.
According to various outlets , another man has emerged in this story. The man who we only know as “royalty_yaye_bah” thought he was the real father of Nia Gonzales’ daughter. While we wouldn’t normally toss in a random person in something that seems to be a closed case, “royalty_yaye_bah” has posted photos of himself with Chris Brown’s alleged daughter all over Instagram.
The plot thickens, as he’s also photographed with Nia’s older daughter as well. They’re seen at parties, at home, etc. It looks like he acted as just a father figure, even though he thought he was the father of Chris Brown’s child.
His Instagram, which is now closed, featured the TMZ article about Chris Brown fathering the 6-month-old daughter. The man captioned the picture with a heartbreaking message.
“The Saddest Day Of My Life This lil girl meant the world To Me I been There Through Everything I was told This Was My child How Can This Be happening A Man Just Steps in and Take Over What I Built What I lived for I Dedicated My Whole Life To This Family Now Everything Is Gone.. @tmztv @balleralert Y Did This happen To me Now I lost My Lil Girl For Good. [sic]”