The Sister Wives finale has generated quite a bit of controversy, with the real-life divorce for Kody Brown leading many fans to believe that the show is built on a foundation of lies and deceit — and it could lead to the show’s cancellation.
The divorce hit the news as the show neared its finale this season, and afterward the show and its stars appeared to go into “spin mode” to explain why the divorce did not appear to be part of the season. Many fans accused the show of trying to sweep it under the rug, which to them shows that Sister Wives is not very close to the real side of reality television.
The television site All About The Tea noted, the Sister Wives finale was an attempt to save face after the divorce revelation made it appear as if the show was more contrived than real.
“‘Sister Wives’ claims to be an open and honest documentation of a polygamist ‘family.’ However, the honest and self-proclaimed transparent premise of the show has come under fire this season, with the first stumble being a divorce announcement that didn’t occur until after the shocking news had already been blasted all over the internet.”
The family claimed in a statement that the divorce was meant to “legally restructure” the family.
“It’s an end of something that we had had, in a way, for 24-and-a-half years,” says Meri. “But at the same time, I know it’s not, because I have eternity with him; I have eternity with the family. I know it’s not the end.”
It was believed that Kody was divorcing Meri so he could marry his newest and youngest wife, Robyn, which would give his insurance benefits to her three kids.
In the Sister Wives finale, Meri and producers painted it as if she was making a sacrifice for the sake of the family.
Many fans seemed to enjoy the twist.
Well played #SisterWives ! The commercials made it look like @MeriBrown1 was leaving, but instead she made an amazing sacrifice! #loveit
— Katie Rixon (@itsmrsrix) March 2, 2015
But others had a hard time believing it.
Only honest thing this entire episode is Janelle telling the Producer “No comment” when asked what she felt about the divorce #SisterWives
— Rancher Nikki (@RancherNikki) March 2, 2015
This divorce for an adoption doesn’t add up. #SisterWives
— Ashlee Beal (@ashmo9) March 2, 2015
#SisterWives “paperwork shuffle” is what they all refer to their marriage as! It’s all about Money to all of them it’s a bunch of bull!
— Leigha (@PikeKy) March 2, 2015
Kody Brown’s divorce is not the only thing about the show that appears to be fishy. As Hollywood Life pointed out, in the next-to-last episode it was revealed that the women don’t really have interaction at all.
“The four wives were discussing a road trip that they took together to San Francisco and Meri confessed that spending that much time together for the wives was like going into ‘uncharted’ territory! She explained that she and Kody’s other wives, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn really don’t see each other very much — they’re too busy with their own lives. In fact, she said, they never take trips together and hardly even go out together without Kody.
“The sister wives even admitted to getting seriously uncomfortable when they are together and Kody phones one of them in front of the others.
“While we know that the Browns aren’t one huge, happy family all of the time, now it seems like the reality is that Kody may have four very separate families — one with each of his very separate wives. And furthermore, that each wife, clings to her special relationship with him.”
Sister Wives has generated controversy right from the start. After its debut in 2010, television columnist Shari Puterman compared Kody to a cult leader and said she felt pity for his wives.
“I can’t speak for everyone, but I believe in the sanctity of marriage. It’s sad to see that TLC’s capitalizing on people who don’t,” she wrote.
It is unclear just how much the Sister Wives finale drama will affect the show’s future, but some are speculating that the show may have turned fans off so much that it will be canceled.
[Image via TLC]