The first expansion pack of The Sims 4 era, The Sims 4 Get to Work , is due to drop sometime next month. Maxis is deep into the promotional campaign for The Sims 4 Get to Work. Through social media, official news, and trailers, here are the things longtime fans of the series should know going into the release of the first expansion pack.
It’s a hybrid. The gameplay in The Sims 4 Get to Work is new for this era, but it should be familiar to fans of the franchise, which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. It is functionally a hybrid of two popular expansions from previous eras, The Sims 3 Ambitions and The Sims 2 Open for Business. Players will be able to open and operate a retail business or guide their Sims through careers in medicine, law enforcement, and science.
Connect the dots. Solve the crime. Learn about Detectives in The Sims 4 Get to Work.
— The Sims (@TheSims) February 28, 2015
Fans played a big part in development. As previously reported by the Inquisitr, Maxis asked fans of The Sims 4 to take a survey in the fall of 2014. The survey asked players to rank gameplay aspects they wanted to see in future expansion packs. Response to the survey is likely why the photography and baking skills will be added to The Sims 4 Get to Work . Both skills were options on the survey.
“Hmm. What to invent today…?” Subscribe for an amazing discovery on Tuesday: — The Sims (@TheSims) March 1, 2015
There will be physical copies. Maxis confirmed that The Sims 4 Get to Work will be available in both digital and disc form. The news was buried deep in the comments of the expansion pack announcement, so there has been lingering confusion among fans of The Sims franchise. Expect the final word as the release date gets closer and the game specifications are released.
It may allow you to be a murderer. The Sims 4 Get to Work will add a disease mechanic to the game. The idea is that Sims on the doctor career track can heal their neighbors, but what if a Sim has the evil trait? Video game news website Gamespresso seems to be hoping that the new disease mechanic will allow Sims to murder other Sims . It would make sense, giving the simultaneous addition of the detective career track. Then again, the Teen rating of the game makes murder unlikely. So far, Maxis hasn’t weighed in on murders and deaths in The Sims 4 Get to Work.
Will you buy The Sims 4 Get to Work?