Zoe Saldana made a grand entrance at the Oscars red carpet on February 22. Saldana turned heads with her form-fitting custom Atelier Versace gown and eye-catching Neil Lane jewels. She was definitely one of the best dressed actresses of the evening, but people are also talking about her amazing post-baby figure. It’s just been three months since Saldana gave birth to her twin boys, but she’s already looking fabulous. In an interview with Us Weekly , Saldana thanked the team of designers who helped her look good for the awards show.
. @ZoeSaldana looks absolutely stunning just 3 months after giving birth to twins http://t.co/SFVWshaQVJ #Oscars pic.twitter.com/Wtu1MIse3t
— People magazine (@peoplemag) February 23, 2015
“Petra [Flannery], my stylist, called and it was custom made for me,” Saldana said of her dress. She also referred to Versace’s track record for making custom dresses for actresses who just gave birth.
“They have dressed other new moms before and they basically said, ‘Okay. Just give us the measurements. It’s going to be fierce,’” Saldana said. “This blush [dress] just completely blew us all away. And I felt so beautiful. I was like, ‘Okay! I can do this.’”
Zoe Saldana came out of her ‘baby cave’ for the Oscars http://t.co/Q7HAVQOLUv pic.twitter.com/h8q4ya2lkp — Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) February 23, 2015
Saldana added that she was able to lose the post-baby weight with the help of her twins. When asked about how she kept the weight off, Saldana joked, “Oh God. Breastfeeding!” She added, “And just eating very healthy because I have to feed two babies. Just when you think you’re done feeding one, the other one is like, ‘I’m here!’ ‘Oh! You too? Okay here you go.’”
Hours after the Academy Awards, Zoe Saldana and her husband, artist Marco Perego, also showed up at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party looking like the beautiful couple that they are. Saldana changed outfits and wore a black and white chiffon gown that draped to the floor.
Zoe Saldana’s #VanityFairOscarParty look by @prabalgurung will take your breath away http://t.co/JIMXqwfIjy pic.twitter.com/syfc6rGJyH
— Red Carpet Fashion (@Fashion_Critic_) February 23, 2015
There’s basically no one else in the room when @zoesaldana and Marco Perego are together: http://t.co/d4FLLTRf4z pic.twitter.com/WII9hRWd6j
— POPSUGAR (@POPSUGAR) February 23, 2015
In an interview with InStyle prior to the awards show, Saldana said, “This is a rare occasion for us. I’m pretty sure as soon as we go and I present, we’re going to be anxious to get home, to see what the babies are up to.”
“We’re going to force ourselves to stay out because we have a great team of people that will be looking after them. It’s a great night to be out, so we want to try and enjoy it,” Saldana added. “When you have just had babies, two babies, you sort of let go and you’re not as demanding when it comes to fashion. You ask yourself, ‘What is very flattering as my body is sort of getting itself together again?’”
[Image via YouTube ]