Newt Gingrich is on a roll. Fresh off a win in the South Carolina Primaries Gingrich is taking his act and momentum into Florida where he hopes to score a 1-2 punch against former front runner Mitt Romney.
New Jersey Governor and Romney supporter Chris Christie has a reputation for being blunt and today he had some stinging words for the former house speaker.
He told Meet The Press on Sunday,
“I think Gingrich has embarrassed the party over time. Whether he’ll do it again in the future, I don’t know. But Gov. Romney never has. We all know the record. He was run out of the speakership by his own party. He was fined $300,000 for ethics violations. This is a guy who has had a very difficult political career at times and has been an embarrassment to the party … I don’t need to regale the country with that entire list again except to say this: I’m not saying he will do it again in the future, but sometimes past is prologue.”
What made Christie’s rant even more interesting was that in the same interview he admitted that he thinks Newt can defeat Obama in 2012.
In other news on the Romney front. Governor Romney himself seems to be becoming a bit unglued lately. In trying to knock Newt off his game the former Massachusetts governor has made a bunch of bizarre statements hoping they would have a damaging impact and instead just made himself look childish.
After refusing to release his tax returns until April then flip-flopping and saying he would do it this week, he decided to try to call Newt out to be more transparent. Newt’s response? Any day of the week you would like.
Romney challenged Newt to release the details of the ethics complaints that were filed against him when he was in Congress. Newt”s response…sure and here is the website where anyone can view them.
Romney then challenged Newt to release the details of his relationship with Freddie Mac. Newt’s response… I can’t release documents that aren’t mine but here you can have anything from me you would like and I encourage Freddie Mac to release theirs also.
Romney has been trying to make it seem like Newt has a problem with transparency, but all it is highlighting is that Romney has not released the details of his time with Bain Capital, has kept several details of his time as governor secret and only agreed to release his tax returns when it looked like no matter what he did he would be skewered for it.
There is a reason that most of the Republican party has always felt uneasy about Romney. He is showing us why now.
Do you think Mitt Romney has something to hide or that he is just a spoiled entitled baby looking to score cheap political points against a surging rival?
Watch Christie’s comments on Gingrich