Kevin Smith recently suffered a devastating loss. So, he decided to share his heartbreaking ordeal with the world. On Wednesday, February 11, Kevin took to Facebook with a heartwarming tribute to his beloved dog, Mulder. He also shared details about how difficult it has been for him to accept the inevitable. After 17 years with his loveable companion, he admitted how just how heartbreaking it is to lose a dog. Although the dog hadn’t passed yet, he knew the disheartening moment was fast approaching.
“As I’ve spent the last year carrying him around like Hodor,” Smith wrote. “I’m not taking this terribly well. They never tell you when you get a dog, but there is a price to pay for being the recipient of 17 years of unconditional love, loyalty and companionship: they take a huge chunk of your heart with them when they go. Mulder was beyond worth it.”
Unfortunately, just a couple hours later Smith posted an update via Twitter announcing that his dog had died. He posted a picture holding his dog right before it died, along with a tweet about the dog’s death. However, many news outlets, namely the Daily Mail , initially reported that Kevin’s dog was already dead in the picture. So, of course, the picture wasn’t perceived as he may have expected.
He’s gone. RIP Mulder, Mr. Buddy-Man. Thank you for 17 yrs of joy. It took a dog like you to make me a better person.
— KevinSmith (@ThatKevinSmith) February 11, 2015
While many fans embraced him with heartfelt condolences for his devastating loss, surprisingly, many social media users found the picture to be quite disconcerting and “uncomfortable.” Some users even took things a step further by accusing Smith of posting the picture just for attention. The controversial picture has actually sparked quite a debate on a number of social media platforms .
However, Smith has made his intentions quite clear. The 44-year-old recently fired back and critics with a lengthy response, justifying his actions. He also gave a detailed statement explaining his reason for posting the picture.
“This wasn’t about look at ME – this was about look at HIM,” Smith responded. “And based on the amount of likes and comments the posting drew, I don’t think the image came across to the intended audience as in poor taste.
“I was in pain and I just wanted to hear from people who knew that distinct pain of losing a dog,” Smith continued. “And I’m glad I did, because I got to read some amazing stories people posted about the lives and deaths of their pets. It was therapeutic for me. We don’t really do wakes and funerals for our pets, so we usually miss that important step of the grieving process: grieving with others, sharing stories about the departed.”
Smith also posted a lengthy message in response to the Daily Mail’s initial report . He reiterated that the dog was, indeed, alive when the picture was taken.
“The Daily Mail in the UK wrote about a brief Reddit dust-up over the photo, but they said Mulder was deceased in the image I posted,” Smith wrote. “Mulder wasn’t dead when that photo was taken yesterday and he was still alive when I posted it on FB this morning. He was still fighting to stay above ground – which is why I’m holding him on his back (he couldn’t breath laying on his sides or his stomach anymore). We didn’t take any pics of him after he was gone. Not judging those who might do so, but for me, the last thing I was thinking about after my dog died was taking a picture of my dead dog.”
Do you think Kevin Smith’s picture with his dog is awkward or uncomfortable? Share your thoughts.
[Image via Facebook]