It seems that former WWE Superstar Diamond Dallas Page was recently admitted to the Intensive Care Unit at Piedmont Hospital. The hospital is located in Atlanta, Georgia, where DDP lives most of the time. DDP is in the hospital for a rare breathing issue known as subglottic stenosis . He checked in earlier today and told his fans on his Facebook page all about it.
Subglottic Stenosis is a narrowing of the airway under the vocal chords. This prevents proper breathing, which is a massive issue. Page does not yet know if he has to have surgery to repair the issue or not. He believes he became ill after pushing himself too hard in Philadelphia at the WWE’s Royal Rumble PPV recently.
That means Page has probably had a bit of a breathing issue for over a week. DDP is seeing ENT Specialist Dr. Daniel G. Carothers, who will help to evaluate how to fix the issue and if surgery is necessary or not.
Page claimed he pushed through a lot of the interviews he was doing in Philly, which he feels was the cause of this disorder. There are a lot of ways the disorder could occur. It could be caused by acid reflux, infections, and several other things. Most have it at birth or develop it young, so it’s more uncommon for someone like Page to develop the disorder. Page is currently going through severe case, as it is preventing him from breathing correctly.
Luckily, since there is a surgery to fix the issue, Page shouldn’t have any major issue since he is currently being evaluated. If left untreated, he could suffocate to death.
We’ve seen DDP in WWE off and on the last few years. We last saw him wrestle in an impressive fashion in the Rumble, but he also inducted his good friend Jake “The Snake” Roberts into the WWE Hall of Fame last year as well. Page is known as a Yoga Guru and has been helping a lot of people out. He helped to get both Jake Roberts and Scott Hall off of drugs and back into shape.
DDP is a great man for doing all that he has in his life. Fans from across the world are hoping he makes a speedy recovery. WWE has not commented on the issue just yet, but they may do so later.
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