The upcoming third installment of the Star Wars: Battlefront franchise will now definitely be out before the end of the year. Game Informer reports that Electronic Arts officially confirmed that the next Star Wars: Battlefront game will be out in time for Christmas. The publishing giant revealed their desire to still make the game available by the end of the year as they discussed their expected release schedule for the remainder of 2015 during EA’s third quarter earnings call on Tuesday.
Electronic Arts provided further hints at a more specific release day for Star Wars: Battlefront by stating that the game is expected to launch alongside the theatrical release of the next Star Wars film, on December 18. Fans have long speculated that EA would likely launch the next Battlefront around the same time as Star Wars: Episode VII , but now the publisher has officially confirmed this to be the case.
Other than reassuring investors that Star Wars: Battlefront will indeed launch in 2015, no other details were shared about the upcoming license. After Electronic Arts was granted the exclusive gaming rights to the Star Wars franchise following the Disney acquisition, the return of the Star Wars: Battlefront franchise was the first title that EA announced would be published under the newly obtained use of the intellectual property.
The next entry of the Battlefront series is being created by DICE, who gamers will recognize as the developers responsible for Electronic Arts’ Battlefield series. Early after the game was initially announced, the team revealed their plans to allow Star Wars: Battlefront to be played with either a first person or third person camera, depending on player preference. This will ensures that fans of the classic Battlefront games, which were all third person shooters, will still be able to have a familiar experience in the upcoming title.
With Star Wars: Battlefront now confirmed to release in 2015, gamers can expect to learn many more details about the game in the coming months. An expanded trailer for Star Wars: Battlefront is also currently rumored to be showed during years year’s GDC, according to Game Ranx .
Star Wars: Battlefront was believed to be launch this year after Electronic Arts first revealed their plans to release the game in the holiday season of 2015, as previously reported by the Inquisitr . However, tentative release schedules like this often change. However, a 2015 launch of Star Wars: Battlefront is now secured after the publishers has told investors to expect its release and added revenue.
If you were a fan of the first two games in the series, are you looking forward to the upcoming new Star Wars: Battlefront title coming from DICE?
[Images via Battlefront ]