The Biggest Loser is a well-known weight loss reality show on NBC, where overweight and obese individuals come on the show to share their journey. On the show, the contestants shed massive amounts of weight, and critics have often said that it is very unhealthy and unnatural. There have been several success stories from The Biggest Loser contestants who have shed the weight and spread the words about a healthy body weight.
But not everyone is thrilled with The Biggest Loser. A few weeks ago, Kai Hibbard came forward, saying that the weight loss efforts on the show are drastic. According to the Inquisitr , Kai explained that the producers wanted to shelter the contestants to the point where they couldn’t speak to one another. In addition, one of the contestant’s children became very ill, but he didn’t want to leave the show to be by his child’s side.
According to a new NY Post report, The Biggest Loser is making headlines again as two additional contestants are stepping forward with some shocking stores. For one, Suzanne Mendonca from season 2 claims she was working out with multiple stress fractures.
“I suffered multiple stress fractures in my feet,” Mendonca says about The Biggest Loser , adding, “I was diagnosed during filming, and the producers and trainers said, ‘You still need to work out. Do the elliptical, do the bike.’ They made me reshoot a running scene.”
Mendonca explains that while filming The Biggest Loser , she was eating baby food to shed the weight and taking some drastic measures. While some contestants will do anything to lose the pounds, some of the former The Biggest Loser contestants may not be as desperate.
“I was eating baby food,” she says. “I’d wrap myself in garbage bags to sweat. We’d use the sauna for six hours a day. We stopped eating and drinking and would work out for four hours a day. People were passing out in the doctor’s office.”
Rulon Gardner, who won gold in wrestling at the 2000 Olympics, is the second person who has broken his silence. And he recalls getting a threat if he talked bad about The Biggest Loser . He ended up walking off the show during season 11.
“They said to me, ‘You mess with The Biggest Loser and we’ll destroy your name,’” he recalls of his experience there.
Howard “Woody” Carter is one of those people who has had a great experience on The Biggest Loser, and he claims that he is very successful in his journey. But he claims that he keeps fighting because of his wife. He keeps her memory alive by fighting through it all.
“There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her,” Carter reveals, adding, “She has truly blessed me, and she’s my motivation every day. Her can’t is my want – everything that she can’t do, I want to do and I will do, and as long as I can carry that spirit, she’ll never go away.”
Are you surprised at these shocking accusations against The Biggest Loser ?
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