2011 was quite an impressive year for Android. With activations topping 700,000 per day and a record 3.7 Million activations from Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the mobile operating system from Google continues to dominate.
JR Raphael over at ComputerWorld, shared his thoughts on what to expect in 2012. In 2011, we saw the introduction of dual core phones and while they continue to be a popular option, the advancement in mobile hardware will continue to push out bigger (or smaller depending on how you look at it) and better hardware. Quad core processors for mobile have been around for some time and we’ll see many quad core phones and tablets from multiple vendors.
And while we saw a lot of Android phones in 2011, 2012 will be a big year in sheer number of new phones on the marketplace. Google’s latest OS, Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) will also be available in more phones and come standard on tablets as well. The fragementation of Android is still an issue, but the Android team seems to be very focused on fixing that in 2012 and providing a fluid experience similar to Apple with iOS.
Google TV in the past hasn’t had the greatest success with a rather limited operating system, but that’s also to change in 2012. Better hardware and a better operating system have and continue to be in the works. With Google purchasing Motorola Mobility back in August, we may even see Google TV integrated into Motorola’s own cable boxes. Something to definitely keep an eye out for and an exciting opportunity for Google and Android to come to Millions of households.