The mayor of Rotterdam has proclaimed that any Muslims who hate Western culture should “pack their bags” and then “f*** off.”
Fifty-two-year-old Ahem Aboutaleb, who is a Muslim himself, made the declaration while on live television. The Moroccan-born politician was being interviewed for his response to the attacks in Paris last week that started when Charlie Hebdo saw terrorists bombard their offices. Seventeen people were killed over the three days that followed.
According to the Mirror , while talking to Nieuwsuur , a Dutch program that translates as News Hour , Mayor Aboutaleb was adamant that individuals who don’t accept Western values should leave the area.
“It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom. But if you do not like freedom, in Heaven’s name pack your bag and leave.”
“There may be a place in the world where you can be yourself… be honest with yourself and do not go and kill innocent journalists. And if you do not like it here because humorists you do not like make a newspaper, may I then say you can f*** off.”
“This is stupid, this is so incomprehensible… vanish from the Netherlands if you cannot find your place here. All those well-meaning Muslims here will now be stared at.”
Aboutaleb moved to Holland when he was 15-years-old. He was originally born in northern Morocco before he relocated in 1976. He then made a name for himself as a reporter in the country and ultimately carved out a formidable career in politics.
This resulted in him being appointed State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment in 2007, after serving as a civil servant for several years.
In 2009, he decided to run for the Mayor of Rotterdam, which is the second largest city in Holland with a population of over 610,000. After being elected, he became the first mayor of a large city in the Netherlands of immigrant descent or of Muslim faith. He is now a dual citizen of both Morocco and the Netherlands.
Aboutaleb, who is a member of the Dutch Labour party, de Partij van de Arbeid, has won many fans because of his strong views on immigrants who are combative about the freedoms in Holland.
Boris Johnson, who is Aboutaleb’s counterpart in London, even proclaimed that he is the “voice of enlightenment.”
While writing for the Daily Telegraph , via the Daily Mail , Johnson wrote the following.
“If we are going to win the struggle for the minds of these young people, then [Aboutaleb] is the kind of voice we need to hear… and it needs above all to be a Muslim voice.”
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