The Mad Men final season premieres April 5 on AMC, and spoilers for the last seven episodes are revealed in “thematic” terms. Stars of the show assembled for a panel discussion on how the series ends and how they feel about its conclusion.
TV Guide covers the story that has Mad Men producer and writer, Matthew Weiner, sharing part two of Season 7 storylines. He was notoriously hush hush on giving anything away. While he still kept the detailed events of the final seven episodes under wraps, he provided a few teasers. The actors and actresses expressed their thoughts, and are rather happy with where their characters are taken.
Weiner said that the final episodes are about “turning inward,” and will be totally different than part one of Season 7 last year. He added that they’re going to “advance the story in a different way.” Weiner explained that “ending the show is different,” and the characters have become more “concentrated.”
The show’s climactic theme will be about change because that time period is focused on significant cultural changes throughout the 60s and 70s. The second part of Season 7 will not repeat itself; the characters venture into the 1970s as redefined individuals, with some being the same people they’ve been all along, just with a different direction.
Elisabeth Moss portrays Peggy Olson on Mad Men . She’s a woman ahead of her time on the show, and the actress explained that there’s some good and bad about Peggy not changing after all those years as the series’ timeline heads into the 1970s.
“Part of our story in this last season [is], people do change, but then in a lot of ways, they don’t unfortunately. Peggy has retained a lot of qualities she had from the beginning, in good ways and bad ways.”
Christina Hendricks plays Joan Harris in the series. Joan has developed into an ambitious businesswoman who’s realized her own strengths. She began on the show as the advertising agency’s office manager, but has reached partner status and proved herself successful alongside the other men. Additionally, she’s far more independent in her personal life.
Hendricks didn’t honestly think Joan’s character would go in a satisfying directing by the time Mad Men ended.
“I guess I was surprised that I was pleased. I thought there’s no way I could be happy because it’s ending.”
What about Megan Draper and her Hollywood life? Fans theorized that she would have been a victim of the Manson murders like famous actress, Sharon Tate. Weiner give his thought on that.
“I would not add a person who is not murdered by the Manson family into that murder,” says Weiner. “I love that people have conspiracy theories.”
January Jones, who plays Betty Francis, is quoted in Washington Post as saying she loved the script so much, she’s read many times over.
“It’s a beautiful story. It’s perfect in every way,” Jones says.
Each episode reportedly felt like the finale, according to Weiner and the rest of the cast. Jon Hamm has played the central figure on Mad Men for seven seasons — Don Draper. Hamm admits that he’s sad to see the show end, and that filming was difficult for each episode.
“There is no version of this ending that isn’t super painful me.”
So, what happens with Don Draper the Mad Men final season? According to an interview with The Hollywood Reporter , Hamm claims mockingly that his character dies.
“Well, I die. I think we can say that. Matt [Weiner] will be okay with that. Early, too. I die early.”
Are you excited to see how the Mad Men Season 7 finale ends?
[Image via TV Guide ]