The Final Fantasy franchise has a new installment coming out on March 17, 2015 for Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
It’s not the long-awaited Final Fantasy XV . The release date is for Final Fantasy Type-0 . There’s something different about Type-0 than all the other installments.
Type-0 sees the franchise grow up as it sports a rating of M. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has rated the other games in the Final Fantasy franchise with either an E or T rating, indicating that the games were appropriate for either everyone, or at the very least, teens.
Final Fantasy Type-0 has been rated M for blood, drug references, suggestive themes, and violence. Square Enix has been clear that this will be the darkest game in the history of the franchise.
The trailer for Final Fantasy Type-0 was shown at Japan’s Jump Festa 2015, and is preempted by the “mature” rating.
Set in war-torn Orience, Final Fantasy Type-0 forces the characters to face the horrors of war and the consequences of their decisions. The intro shows a bloody death scene that offers players a glimpse into the mature rating of the game.
(The intro is violent and may not be suitable for all. It is in Japanese with English subtitles.)
Players have the ability to choose between 14 different characters. Each of those characters has their own unique weapons, abilities, and strategies. Those characters are all part of an elite group of military students called: Class Zero.
In the character trailer for Final Fantasy Type-0 , you are introduced to some of the characters and their fighting styles.
In Japan, a special Limited Edition PS4 console sporting the Final Fantasy Type-0 logo is set to be released on March 19. The console will have a 500GB hard drive and it will come with a copy of the game as well as a maroon-colored DualShock 4 controller. Customers will receive a 15-day PS Plus trial with purchase.
No release date for the special edition console has been announced for the U.S. as of yet.
There are rumors that the special edition Final Fantasy Type-0 console may be released with a demo for Final Fantasy XV .
In the past couple of years, many trailers and teasers have been released for Final Fantasy XV . Although the trailers showed a great deal of beauty in the animation, they’ve all been in Japanese. Finally, last month, an English dubbed version of the Final Fantasy XV trailer was released.
There is no release date for Final Fantasy XV yet, but gamers are holding onto the hope that it will hit consoles in late 2015 or early 2016.
[Image courtesy of Square Enix ]