‘Orange Is The New Black’ Adds Ruby Rose For Possible Lesbian Plotline

There has been no official date given for the third season of Orange Is the New Black, but the addition of Ruby Rose has fans excited, and predicting a new lesbian love triangle. Ruby Rose will star as Stella Carlin in Orange Is the New Black’s third season, and her beauty will allegedly attract the characters of Piper and Alex, already part of Orange’s lesbian plotline.

Ruby Rose has admitted to having gender identity issues and recently spoke to The Guardian about it.

“I feel like I’m neither [boy or girl] yeah. Well, if I had to choose it would be a boy, a guy. I feel like I’m a boy, but I don’t feel like I should’ve been born with different parts of my body or anything like that. I feel like it’s just all in how I dress and how I talk and how I look and feel, and that makes me happy.”

However, the new Orange Is the New Black character wants to stay anatomically female.

“Yeah, I think I’m lucky enough to have accepted my body. I’ve done a lot of therapy. I have a lot of trans friends, and I’ve seen them go through the surgeries. I saw the desperation that they had. I remember thinking, ‘Do I have that? Do I really need to go and put myself through that?’ And I thought, No, I don’t.”

Orange is the first Netflix megabit, and has opened the doors for more television shows to be produced solely for internet consumption. Critics have praised the subject matter and the characters. Bruce Miller of The Sioux City Journal gave Orange Is the New Black a near perfect review.

“Orange Is the New Black has moments you’ll want to savor and reference. Absorbing all of it at once may feel like you’re actually behind bars…It takes advantage of cable’s extremes as well (look for the nudity and profanity) and gives us enough fear factor to stay out of trouble.”

Some conservative critics have barked at Orange’s blatant lesbian sex scenes, but others have seen them as empowering. Several feminists have complimented the show’s mainstreaming of lesbian and transgender characters. To this day, no advertisers have backed out. Can you imagine the uproar Orange Is the New Black would have created 20 years ago?

Are you excited about the third season of Orange Is the New Black? Tell us in the comments section.

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