When it comes to doing something for your children, you really want to give them the world. One couple really wanted something unique for their baby boy and they wanted something that couldn’t be bought again by someone in just any old store. That is why they were happy to place their sleeping child in his very own Jaws baby bed.
Joseph Reginella is the creator of the bed that has seen its pictures go viral over the last few days, and he’s very proud of his creation. He states that it took just about a week to make, and it’s something he had his heart set on , per BuzzFeed .
“I was inspired to make the bed when I was working at Themendous, a sculpture studio I work at. We made a airplane bed I thought it would be funny if someone ordered a terrifying bed instead of something cute or mainstream. Then my buddy told me he and his wife were having a boy. So I thought, ‘I have to make this.’”
The Jaws baby bed is really making a splash online, and Reginella said the idea for it is not as obvious as one may think. Sure, there is the following scene from Jaws to compare it to.
Pic: This baby crib is a must-have for JAWS fans. Your newborn won’t be at all traumatised… http://t.co/JcMGMIhDR8 pic.twitter.com/DsNCjR1RA2
— entertainment.ie (@entertainmentIE) January 3, 2015
According to Joseph Reiginella’s Facebook page, there was actually a bit more behind it all. He recently posted a drawing that was made by Bob Hough, as per a conversation had with him at his tiki bar over the past summer.
As you can see, there is an obvious comparison, but it doesn’t have Quint (Robert Shaw) sliding down the floor of the boat and ending up in the mouth of the monster. Sure, there is a young baby screaming his head off as he lays in there, but he’s not always crying.
As The Daily Mail reports, the Jaws baby bed actually belongs to the baby’s father, rapper Example (Elliot Gleave) and his mother, model Erin McNaught. The young man’s name is Evander and he was just born on December 21, so he hasn’t quite had the time to view the film that inspired his viral awesomeness.
Example says that Jaws is his favorite movie and he wanted Evander to re-enact the ending of the movie every time he takes a nap.
Well, now everyone wishes they could do the same in a Jaws baby bed that wasn’t so baby and more adult-sized.
[Images via Joseph Reginella on Facebook ]