Jennifer Aniston recently opened up about her divorce from her ex, actor Brad Pitt. The Cake actress, 45, was asked about her split from Pitt — which was back in 2005 — and how she feels about it now, nearly a decade later. According to Us Weekly , this is still a very big part of Aniston’s life… but not to her. She says that her past relationship is not something that really bothers her anymore. In fact, Jen seems to realize that the media drives much of the hoopla surrounding her former romance.
“I don’t find it painful. I think it’s a narrative that follows you because it’s an interesting headline. It’s more of a media-driven topic,” Aniston said on CBS Sunday Morning.
Jennifer Aniston has not been a stranger when it comes to tabloid stories, most of which involve her personal life. Ever since her high profile divorce (perhaps one of the biggest divorces in Hollywood ever ), the media has kept a close eye on Jen’s love life, and that hasn’t always been easy for her to deal with. As previously reported by the Inquisitr , Jen went through a period of time where she wanted to stay on top of those rumors , but she soon realized that it wasn’t worth it.
“Just don’t pay attention. There was a period where I was hell-bent on saying, ‘That’s not true, that’s not right, that’s not fair.’ And now I just think you have to let it roll off your back, and you realize, I think everyone knows it’s all B.S. and like soap opera on paper.”
Jennifer Aniston’s relationship with Justin Theroux has been scrutinized from the beginning, and that’s not surprising. Many have speculated about her upcoming wedding date, and whether or not she is pregnant (with twins… again). Not caring about what people are saying about you takes thick skin, and it seems like that is just what Jen has.
According to Perez Hilton , Aniston realizes that those closest to her know the truth , but more importantly, she knows the truth about her life and how she lives it.
“The main thing is to try to just keep refocusing back on what you know is true and what makes you guys happy… We know what our truth is.”
So people can keep talking about her divorce, and how she supposedly tries to dodge Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at award shows, but Jen has moved on in her real life, and that’s really all that matters.
[Photo courtesy of Jag Gundu/Getty Images via ABC News ]