The hacking of Sony Studios, allegedly committed by North Korea in response to the impending release of Sony’s film The Interview , starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, is being fully backed by Russia. The plot of The Interview involves the CIA asking Rogen and Franco’s characters to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-un when they travel to Pyongyang to interview him.
According to the Times of India , Russia – who backs the Stalinist regime of North Korea – says the country’s reaction to The Interview was completely understandable.
Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich commented on The Interview .
“The very idea of the film is so aggressive and scandalous that the reaction of the North Korean side… is completely understandable.”
Furthermore, the Russian spokesman reminded the world that the United States had not provided any evidence to link North Korea to the Sony hack attack in response to The Interview . He also said that Pyongyang had made an offer to Washington to conduct a joint investigation into the source of the Sony hacks.
“In essence, such a step is evidence of the North Korean side’s sincere intention to fully sort out this issue. We believe that the threats of revenge and calls on other countries to condemn North Korea voiced in the United States are absolutely counterproductive and dangerous.”
Russia’s defense of North Korea’s alleged response to The Interview shouldn’t surprise anyone. Just last month, Russia blasted a landmark United Nations resolution that condemned North Korea’s human rights record. Russia also pledged to increase its economic ties with the isolated country. Additionally, Russia has invited both President Obama and Kim Jong-un to Moscow next year to mark the 70th anniversary of the “Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.”
After hundreds of embarrassing emails were made public, the Sony hackers promised “911-style attacks” on any theater that showed The Interview in the United States. In response to that threat, Sony Studios originally pulled the film from its roster, saying that it wouldn’t be seen in theaters or anywhere else. Following an outcry from many Americans, celebrities, and even President Obama , Sony Pictures reconsidered, and finally ended up releasing The Interview via Video On Demand and in select theaters starting Christmas Day.
The film has been given lukewarm reviews, and as of yet, no theaters have been the victim of terrorist attacks for showing The Interview . North Korea, on the other hand, mysteriously lost all internet capabilities across the entire country earlier this week, which made many wonder if that wasn’t the result of a cyber-retaliation by the United States.
The Interview is playing on VOD and in select theaters across the country.
[Image via CRW Flags and Split Sider ]