Jessica Chambers mysterious death has garnered lots of attention over the past week. Over the weekend, it was reported that the online hacktivist group Anonymous would be joining in on the investigation along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. New details in the case were also reported.
As a matter of fact, the group has been quite vocal, sharing regular updates about the case via Twitter. The group has also shared speculative information about individuals they believe could be connected to the gruesome killing. The Anonymous Jessica Chambers campaign has reportedly been linked to a Twitter user with the name @0Hour1 . The first tweet was reportedly posted on December 12.
Although the family is tirelessly seeking justice, Jessica’s mother, Lisa Daugherty, isn’t completely sure the group’s involvement will be beneficial for the investigation. According to , she recently released a statement in regards to all of the rumors and alleged details that have been released about the case.
Following the flood of tweets from the ‘Anonymous’ organization, she posted on the Facebook memorial page “Justice For Jessica.” Here’s what she had to say.
“We do want justice for Jessica!!!! But we also want the truth and when people start putting stuff out there that is not true or is hear say it starts to take away from the truth,” she wrote on the “Justice For Jessica” page. She continued, “And that is something we don’t want!!! So please be patient and as we get information we will let you guys know. we stand behind the Panola County sheriffs department so we need to let them do their job!!”
Then, she also followed up with another comment from her personal account.
“Please as Jessica’s Mother I am asking you to stop all the foolish talk!! I am SICK OF IT!!! I stand behind the Panola County Sheriffs Department 100%!! Please let them do their Job!! Thank You!!!”
Although Daugherty subliminally asked the organization to stop posting speculative details, the tweets haven’t stopped. On December 17, the user posted full list of alleged gang members who may be connected to the burning case. Needless to say, some of the tweets have definitely raised eyebrows and turned heads. Since the group has reportedly found substantial links between Chambers and gang members, many of the tweets have been centered around alleged gang affiliation and possible members of the underground organization.
Here are some of the more recent tweets.
Of course, onlookers around the world are waiting for a big break in the case to be reported. However, sharing information that could be vital to the case could also be relatively harmful although justice is the ultimate goal. Many users have also weighed in on Facebook and Twitter with their opinions about the tweets. While some feel the posts are helpful, others feel it could be potentially harmful to the case and possibly dangerous.
“No one knows, but the killer, God and Jessica. Rumors are everywhere… This case will be solved, but not by the so called “detectives” via FB or Twitter. Pray for their family and stop playing the guessing game!” one user said via Facebook.
“All of you ‘Wanna Be Facebook Detectives’ need to let the investigators do their job, and stop acting like you know what happened. Have some respect for this family, and leave all of your ‘bulls—‘ theories out of this. Seems like some of you people commenting on here have watched too many episodes of CSI, and now think you are “detectives,” another user argued.
Do you think hacktivist group Anonymous involvement could help or hurt the investigation of Jessica Chambers’ death? Share your thoughts.
[Image via Facebook ]