A Jeremy Calvert nude photo was reportedly exchanged online between the Teen Mom 2 star and Brittany Musick. Although the photo has yet to hit the web, Brittany revealed in a new interview that she did, in fact, have a photo of the Teen Mom 2 ‘s private part.
“He told me y’all was done, he filed for divorce. He sent me pics of his d***,” Musick told Jeremy’s wife in messages sent to a magazine , according to a December 17 report by Radar Online . “I only called him once then he had called me back.”
In Leah’s response to Brittany’s allegations, which also appeared on In Touch Weekly ‘s website this morning, she revealed her and Jeremy were sleeping together as their cheating drama played out in the press.
“Who does these things?” Leah asked Brittany after hearing of the Jeremy Calvert nude photo. “To even think I had sex with my husband during this.”
In her interview with In Touch Weekly , Brittany revealed details about her interaction with Leah, as well as the Jeremy Calvert nude photo.
“Leah messaged me first on Twitter, and then began texting me to find out details of our relationship. At first, she thought I was lying, because Jeremy told her that it wasn’t him talking to me — it was the guys at work. When I showed her the [naked] shot, Leah responded, ‘Yes, ma’am … that would be my husband.’ [Leah] told me that really hurt and she didn’t know what to do.”
“He also told me he filed for divorce and that he has zero forgiveness for her,” Brittany continued, adding Leah had a different story. “When we messaged, she said Jeremy wanted to make it work and make things perfect again.”
Over the weekend, the Calvert’s troubled marriage made headlines after Jeremy failed to attend Ali and Aleeah Simms’ 5th birthday party. After word hit the web that Jeremy didn’t attend, fans everywhere took it as a sign that he and Leah were still planning for divorce. However, as the Inquisitr reported, Leah quickly set the record straight on Facebook.
“Yes Jeremy Lynn and I are still together(: I was with him the night before close to his job. He had to work and could not make it to the girls birthday party. ): We were thinking of him as he was thinking of us and we missed him dearly but knew he was doing what he had to for us! xoxo.”
If a Jeremy Calvert nude photo does hit the web, it will certainly put an even bigger rift between him and wife Leah.
[Photo via Facebook ]