With less than two weeks to go before the Doctor Who Christmas Special, fans have been picking apart every last bit of news in hopes of finding some clue about what will actually happen.
With the apparent exit of companion Clara Oswald following the Series Eight finale, “Death in Heaven,” many of the questions revolve around Oswald’s fate. Is she really leaving? Will she come back? If so, for how long?
The Inquisitr previously reported on the possibility of Clara leaving . Clues seem to have been dropped throughout Series Eight, and rumors about her possible exit and/or return have swirled pretty much constantly ever since.
In August, the Daily Mirror reported that actress Jenna Coleman will be leaving Doctor Who after the Christmas Special.
“The actress, 28, is believed to be quitting her role as the Time Lord’s assistant in a sensational Christmas storyline. Her exit could bring to an end her 18 months as Clara Oswald, creating a vacancy for another sidekick to star alongside new Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi.”
The Latin Pos t goes even further, wondering if Clara’s latest adventure with The Doctor might result in her death . They point out that Clara is seen in the trailer erasing a blackboard with the words “You Are Dying” written upon it.
This wouldn’t be the first time a companion’s time with The Doctor came to an end when they met an untimely fate. River Song sacrificed herself to save The Doctor in Series Four. Classic Who companion Adric meets a similar fate when he gives his life to stop a Cybermen plot.
In other, non-Clara, Christmas Special related news, Cinema Blend points praised the casting of Nick Frost as Santa Claus . They ask some important questions about the nature of Santa Claus in the Doctor Who universe. Is he a Time Lord? He bends the rules of time, and it’s pointed out that Santa’s sack of toys is certainly Time Lord technology (bigger on the inside). And regardless of the answer to “Is Santa a Time Lord”, he’ll be fighting aliens in the Christmas Special, which begs its own litany of questions.
This year’s Christmas special is loaded with questions, and, if the trailer is any indication, lots of action, as well. Fans have only as few more days for their answer. The Doctor Who Christmas special, “Last Christmas,” airs on December 25, 2014.
[Photo courtesy of BBC]