Adultery can be disastrous for a political campaign. Herman Cain recently ended his run for the GOP nomination because of sexual allegations from Ginger White. Newt Gingrich isn’t going to fall into that trap. Gingrich, who cheated on his first two wives, signed his fourth ‘no-adultery pledge’ today.
The Ticket reports that Gingrich signed a pledge today to uphold the conservative values of the Iowa-based group The Family Leader. Among the promises made by Gingrich was the promise to stay true to his wife Callista. Gingrich wrote:
“I also pledge to uphold the institution of marriage through personal fidelity to my spouse and respect for the marital bonds of others.”
Gingrich has signed the “no adultery pledge” four times. Gingrich has broken the pledge twice. Newt’s first two marriages ended because he was having an affair with his future wife. Newt told ABC:
“In my case, I said up front openly, I’ve made mistakes at times. I’ve had to go to God for forgiveness. I’ve had to seek reconciliation.”
Politico reports that Gingrich’s pledge to remain faithful to Callista is only one of the promises he made in his letter to The Family Leader. Newt also pledged to defend marriage (between a man and a woman) and to defend the unborn (he promised to defund Planned Parenthood). Newt writes:
“As President, I will vigorously enforce the Defense of Marriage Act… I will also aggressively defend the constitutionality of DOMA in federal and state courts. I will support sending a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman to the states for ratification.”
He then adds:
“I believe that life begins at conception… I will also work with Congress to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood so that no taxpayer dollars are being used to fund abortions but rather transfer the money so it is used to promote adoption and other pro-family policies, and enact legislation that provides greater protections for the unborn.”
Are you happy that Newt Gingrich has made these pledges to The Family Leader? Do you think Newt’s past infidelities negate his current promises?