When it comes to celebrities who are open about their diets, Carrie Underwood is one of the most vocal vegans. Now that she’s pregnant, however, Underwood says that she’s decided to incorporate dairy back into her diet. After the baby is born, Carrie plans to return to what she once described as practical veganism , reports Life & Style Weekly .
“With pregnancy, I am definitely going more on the vegetarian side,” said Underwood. “As soon as I am not pregnant anymore, I will go back to being vegan.”
But Carrie is focusing on healthy eating rather than indulging in normally forbidden foods during the duration of her first pregnancy with husband Mike Fisher.
“I don’t think I am craving anything too crazy. I try to keep it as healthy as possible and try to take care of myself. And you know, putting good things in!”
As the Inquisitr reported, Underwood entertained her fans and friends by making her pregnancy announcement on Labor Day with the help of her puppies. She dressed them in dog outfits, with one announcing that he would become a big brother and the other little shirt celebrating that she would become a big sister.
“In honor of ‘Labor’ Day… Ace & Penny would like to make an announcement. Their parents couldn’t be happier!” tweeted Carrie.
Underwood hasn’t slowed down her career during her pregnancy. She recently co-hosted the Country Music Awards, singing “Something In the Water” below.
Carrie isn’t the only celebrity to discuss the decision about a plant-based diet.
Ellen DeGeneres also has become a vocal vegan , according to the Examiner . She’s even shared her favorite recipes.
And taking care of that unborn baby ranks as a priority during pregnancy, say Natalie Portman, Hilaria Baldwin, and Alicia Silverstone , according to Celebrity Baby Scoop.
For Portman, going on a vegetarian diet seemed like the best response to her body’s needs.
“I actually went back to being vegetarian when I became pregnant, just because I felt like I wanted that stuff. I was listening to my body to have eggs and dairy and that sort of stuff.”
However, Natalie did eliminate eggs after the initial stage of her pregnancy.
I actually wanted eggs at the beginning and then they grossed me out after awhile.
Alicia Silverstone, in contrast, felt that a vegan diet was the right choice during her pregnancy and beyond. Now she says that even her little boy, named Bear, follows a plant-based diet.
“I think the diet’s influence is pretty evident in that he is full of vibrant energy; he’s so smart, creative, and insanely sweet — like a magical little elf,” said Silverstone.
Wife of Alec Baldwin, Hilaria did change her normally strict vegan diet after she learned that she was pregnant. But although she added some low-mercury fish on her doctor’s advice, she’s returned to a vegan diet. Her little girl Carmen is allowed to make her own choices outside of their home.
“At home, she’ll be vegan. But we don’t want her to not fit in with her friends. So if she goes to a birthday party and there’s pizza, or to a friend’s house and there’s ice cream or cake, she’s more than welcome to try anything that she wants.”
The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH) emphasizes the need for specific vitamins during pregnancy. The NIH recommends talking with your own health provider about any modifications required for a vegan or vegetarian diet .
“Your health care provider may also recommend a vitamin B12 supplement if you are a vegetarian or vegan,” notes the NIH.
[Image Via Carrie Underwood Twitter]