The Originals was packed with family love this week, well, sort of. During this Monday’s episode of the popular CW show, the members of the Mikaelson family had some important decisions to make, all revolving around who was on whose side: Klaus or their mother, Esther. Now before we get in too deep, be warned, there are some spoilers ahead, so if you haven’t caught up and want to watch it for yourself, you may want to look away!
So let’s dive right on in shall we? While most of the family drama so far this season has centered around the heads of the Mikaelson family, aka Esther and Mikael, this week we get a look at the family dynamics between the siblings. At this point, fans know that Kol and Finn have been captured and according to Entertainment Weekly , they are both at the compound.
Klaus and Elijah waste no time in trying to convince their brothers, both witches by the way, to turn their backs on their mother and join them. For those of you who may have forgotten, both Finn and Kol were brought back from the other side by Esther, and placed into new bodies, those of witches. Esther claims that she simply wants her family whole again, and that she wants to “save” all her children and give them another chance to live a more “normal,” human life.
While the Mikaelson brothers are all spending “quality” time getting reacquainted with one another, we finally get a look at their sister Rebekah’s new life. We haven’t seen much of Rebekah since she drove off into the night with Klaus and Hayley’s baby girl, Hope.
When we first see the Mikaelson sister during this week’s episode of The Originals , we see her fawning over baby Hope at the park, looking as happy as a clam, that is until she notices a flock of black crows. She knows in an instant that those birds belong to her mother, Esther, and she quickly calls up Klaus to inform him that Esther has found her and that she is once again on the run.
Before long, she meets up with Elijah and after an endearing moment where Elijah bonds with baby Hope, Rebekah notices that he isn’t quite himself, and snaps his neck so she can get away and find Klaus.
So what is Rebekah’s reaction to being back? Actress Claire Holt sat down with Entertainment Tonight and states that Rebekah is feeling a little confused at all that’s been going on since she left The Quarter.
“I think a lot of it is confusing to her. I think she was somewhat up-to-date with the happenings of the family, but definitely not familiar with the craziness that has been appearing. She is a little confused and overwhelmed by the situation, but also realizes that they need to do what they have to do for the safety of the child, so it’s pretty cool to see them come together as a team.”
So what else is new in the Quarter besides the Mikaelson drama? According to E! News , The Mikaelson drama isn’t the only major plot twist to happen in this week’s episode of The Originals . Hayley steals the show when she makes the decision to get married .
Yes, you read that right. Hayley and Jackson decide that they will wed in order to give the wolves back some freedom. Based on an ancient wolfy myth, if two Alpha’s from two different packs marry, and remain married, their pack’s special abilities will merge and they gain the others ability. So that means that the wolves of the Quarter could possibly regain control of their ability to change, just as Hayley can, which would mean no more moonlight rings, and no more following Esther’s orders. Will this idea actually pan out? Only time will tell.
What is next for the Mikaelson family? And will Hayley and Jackson actually tie the knot? Guess we will just all have to wait for the next episode of The Originals ! Will you be tuning in?
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