Pharmacy Robbery Denied After Fedora-Wearing Gunman Is Ignored [Video]

A pharmacy robbery was foiled earlier this month in Seville, Spain. There were no brave heroes involved, just a store full of people who didn’t take the gunman seriously.

Even the cashier, Amaru Barrios Ruiz, waved him off as the gun was pointed at him.

It all started when the man wearing nothing but a fedora, a blue and white coat, and black pants walked into the pharmacy with his hands in his pockets. There was nothing covering his face, so his identity wasn’t being protected at all. Apparently the cashier had seen worse before and simply treated him like a belligerent customer.

Pulling the gun out, the hopeful robber pointed it at the cashier, who literally pushed the gun away and told him he wasn’t getting anything. The gunman once again pointed it at Mr. Ruiz in a threatening manner, but the clerk and the customers didn’t even appear to recognize the threat.

The averted pharmacy robbery continued as the gunman appeared to argue with a nearby clerk, seemingly forgetting he had a lethal weapon in his possession.

Apparently the thwarted robber didn’t look threatening enough with headwear made famous by Bruno Mars and Justin Timberlake. The customers were equally unimpressed, as customer Bianca Sierra Lozano reported.

“I was vaguely aware of the man at the counter but wasn’t the slightest bit interested in what he wanted.”

Ruiz gave the press another scathing eyewitness report about the would-be crook’s inability to intimidate anyone in the building.

“He demanded money and I just told him simply he wasn’t going to get anything.

“He looked completely dumbfounded and repeated the demand pointing the gun at me again. So I pushed it away and told him no.”

It isn’t very often that we see a man with a gun blatantly ignored and treated like a misbehaving child, and even less often that the would-be robber just gives up and walks out only with what he brought in.

It is unknown if the gun used in the attempted pharmacy robbery was loaded, but indications point to the possibility that the crook was bluffing. Local police seemed to take the gunman more seriously than the pharmacist though, issuing a statement about what happened.

“I think they were quite lucky and we urge anyone who sees someone with a gun to alert the police at the earliest opportunity, and not to [deal with the situation] themselves.”

It is unlikely that the would-be criminal was arrested, since the pharmacy robbery was averted after little more than threatening behavior and stubborn refusal, and waving a gun in public is apparently not a crime.

[Image via Guns and Ammo]

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