While it may not seem like the case, WWE actually does pay attention to the internet and the world as we know it. WWE tends to enjoy working with elements outside the wrestling world. This is why we see Rusev and his Russian angle as much as we do. Russia is a big issue right now for the world, and who better to bring in that villain to play than the WWE? However, sometimes WWE doesn’t want to dive into certain issues or events. Usually, if WWE will not do it, you can assume the case is an issue.
WWE wanted to bring in a new faction with Kofi Kingston, Big E. and Xavier Woods. The faction was being used a bit, but WWE wasn’t doing as much with them. People wondered why that was….but it all makes sense now. WWE started to do vignettes regarding the new faction recently with the title, “A New Day.” The faction is expected to be called “The New Day,” but we’ll have to see once they debut. They are set to be on WWE RAW next week.
WWE originally delayed the faction however. Why? According to Wrestling Inc , the faction was delayed originally due to the Ferguson, Missouri case as well as the Alberto Del Rio controversy regarding race. The Ferguson case is huge from a racial stand point. Whether you agree or disagree with what is going on was not the case for WWE. They didn’t want to be part of a problem, which is why the all black stable was delayed. On top of this, the stable is set to be an evangelistic group of sorts. This is quite similar to black churches and how they operate. As you can tell with Big E.’s speech, it is coming across as a ministry in a sense….without actually being called such.
Naturally, this can be considered as racial in a way. WWE didn’t want to debut this stable at the time the Ferguson case was getting hot. Naturally, it makes sense. While it has nothing to do with the case, it does have to do with race a bit. The group is good in the end for all involved. WWE needs a new faction. The company has not had an all black faction since the original Nation of Domination. That said, this works well for fans that have asked for WWE to push black performers.
Kofi Kingston has gone nowhere in his career really. He hasn’t been part of any significant story since his rivalry with Randy Orton years ago. The temperamental Orton ended up forcing this rivalry to end early. Since then, Kingston has needed a story to see what he can do. Potentially even as a heel. Now he gets that opportunity. Kingston more than any other in this group will need the faction to potentially help him out. It gives him a good story from the beginning, and it could lead to championships with good storylines. While Kofi has won titles, he hasn’t had a good story in a while. Giving him this insures that.
Woods and Big E. are helped as well. It allows them to stand out. Woods has done nothing since arriving outside of dance a bit. Woods is almost a Doctor of Psychology, for real. The dude is increasing brilliant. Big E. is a strong man with nowhere to go outside of the group. This now allows him to stand out.
At the end of the day, all men get something out of this….if nothing more than a good running storyline. WWE gets a new faction and potential demographic love. Why would WWE now debut the group after the Ferguson case has been decided? The main reason is that due to a decision coming about, they no longer have to care about any major issues regarding a running problem on it. However, the stable was going to debut at WWE Survivor Series or at least WWE RAW . Due to the case, WWE could have delayed the debut a week.
At the end of the day, WWE has something interesting going on with three men that could be great for them. We shall see if the faction ends up doing well, but we can expect WWE to really push for something big right away.
[IMG Credits: Dailywrestlingnews, YouTube]