After Grand Theft Auto V released on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 earlier this week, many fans discovered that they were unable to transfer their progress from last-gen platforms to the new updated editions of the game as intended. Rockstar Games has been working hard to resolve these bugs since launching the latest installment of their open-world crime franchise on the current generation of consoles. Providing an update on their official support page, the developer confirmed that all issues have now been resolved and data transfers are now working properly.
When the new updated editions of Grand Theft Auto V were announced for the Xbox One and PS4 during this year’s E3 Event, one of the selling points of the game was the revelation that those who have been playing GTA Online won’t have to start completely over since all character progress would be transferable to the new generation platforms. Furthermore, it was also announced that fans would be able to import their GTA Online characters, even across console families, since the process is handled entirely through Rockstar’s own social network.
Unfortunately, when Grand Theft Auto V launched on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this past Tuesday, several users reported that they were experiencing errors when trying to transfer their existing characters over for use in the next-gen version of GTA Online . Wasting little time, Rockstar Games was thankfully able to isolate the issue and deploy patches on both platforms, which should completely resolve all problems. The Inquisitr has more details on everything players need to know in order to successfully transfer their GTA Online data over to the new systems.
On the same day, the developer also released Title Update 1.18 for Grand Theft Auto V that applied a fix for players that were having trouble retrieving vehicle data specifically in GTA Online. This update did not, however, add online heist missions to the game despite the fact that Rockstar Games announced last week that the first title update after the Xbox One and PS4 launch of Grand Theft Auto V would finally introduce the highly anticipated robbery missions to the world of GTA Online .
Rather than being a true content update, Title Update 1.18 was instead an unforeseen hot fix addressing a quick bug found within GTA Online . While the patch is technically still a numbered update, it does not contain any actual new features so gamers still have a longer wait before GTA Online receives heist missions.
Grand Theft Auto V is now available on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 following last year’s initial launch on last-gen consoles. Rockstar Games also plans to release a PC version of game, along with GTA Online , in early 2015.
[Images via Rockstar Games ]