Melissa Francis, a Fox News anchor, revealed Friday that while she worked at CNBC she was “silenced” by management for questioning the math of Obamacare while on television. Her announcement is part of the ongoing “Grubergate” news, after the video of Jonathan Gruber surfaced a week ago.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Obamacare “architect” Jonathan Gruber is the center of a supposed government scandal regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), some are calling “Grubergate.” Gruber ignited a controversy with comments suggesting that Obamacare only passed for lack of transparency and stupidity of the American voter .
“Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass… [I wish] we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”
Gruber’s comments have enflamed the American public and everyone has a response, and even the Obama Administration has chimed in with the White House disputing his claims . Melissa Francis’ broadcast arose because she felt “complicit” to “Grubergate,” because she tried to illuminate the cost of Obamacare bill but was stopped from doing that.
“When I was at CNBC, I pointed out to my viewers that the math of Obamacare simply didn’t work, not the politics, by the way, just the basic math,” Francis said.
“And when I did that, I was silenced. I said on the air that you couldn’t add millions of people to the system and force insurance companies to cover their preexisting conditions without raising the price on everyone else.”
“I pointed out that it couldn’t possibly be true that if you like your plan, you can keep it. That was a lie. And in fact, millions of people had their insurance canceled.”
Francis said that she was reprimanded several times for saying that Obamacare did not add up.
“As a result of what I said at CNBC, I was called into management where I was told that I was ‘disrespecting the office of the president’ by telling what turned out to be the absolute truth.”
After Jonathan Gruber’s video surfaced Francis felt compelled to point out the cover-up by the media.
“I think the American public deserves to know that the reason why Jonathan Gruber and others like him are able to get away with this is because there are networks out there and management at CNBC who are complicit in this cover-up and keeping people ignorant.”
The response from CNBC to Francis’ claim that she was “silenced” was that it is “laughable,” reported NY Posts’ Page Six .
“That’s laughable, but we take notice, because as the fastest-growing network in prime time, we’re always on the lookout for high quality comedy writers and actresses.”
Francis said she was not sure what CNBC was trying to say in their response Sunday during a follow up broadcast; that video can be seen below.
Melissa Francis didn’t specify names of the CNBC management who “silenced” her for supposedly “disrespecting the office of the president” when questioning numbers of Obamacare, but many are wanting answers on “Grubergate,” and whether the facts support Jonathan Gruber’s comments.