The top dog breed known as man’s best friend is out after a journalist decided to conduct a unique study. David McCandless arrived with a specific kind of dog that met the positive aspects of many characteristics involving cost, health, lifespan, intelligence, and level of maintenance (grooming, etc.).
So,which breed won out in the end? The Border Collie is named man’s best friend, reports Daily Mail . This dog is the winner in this study based on all of the good qualities of other dog breeds.
What about the most overrated dog breed? The Bulldog. Unfortunately, this breed has a very limited lifespan compared to others. The average age for a Bulldog is eight. It’s also a fact that they’re a spendy animal when it comes to purchasing a member of this breed or the vet bills involved.
McCandless is aware some out there won’t agree with his research, but says he hopes no one took it “personally.” He called the “man’s best friend” winner “Best in Show” on his website. The inforgraph is pictured just below.
The Sporting dog group, which consists of terriers and a number of spaniels, ranged mostly in the “Hot Dog” section of the research that named the Border Collie as man’s best friend. Following just behind the Bulldog as “overrated” is mostly Working and Non-Working dog groups. Even the Boxer was placed in the overrated category and they’re a very popular family dog. Other dogs that ranked low on the Best in Show illustration are German Shepherd, Great Dane and Saint Bernard.
Hounds were dotted all over the map and Toy dogs were more towards the “Hot Dog” category.
The Border Collie is a breed that originated from the Scottish border region that is used to this day for herding livestock. Canine experts the Collies have “unlimited energy and stamina.”
As it’s also noted, the Collie is number 29 on the list of family friendly breeds.
The Border Terrier is the most “overlooked treasure,” according to the data McCandless gathered.
Daily Mail writes that McCandless isn’t a dog owner. His work has been showcased at Tate Britain and the Museum of Modern Art.
Mr McCandless’ book , Knowledge is Beautiful , is available at Amazon.
What are your thoughts about the Best in Show data presented by this journalist? Does the fact he’s not a dog owner himself make this research credible? The top dog breed named man’s best friend is a very individual opinion to dog owners, generally speaking.
[Image via eBay Classifieds ]