Islamic Group Erects Billboard In Israel Calling For All Muslims To Kill Jews With Their Cars
It is evident that antisemitism has exponentially grown over the course of this year. The Inquisitr reported on this, in which two antisemitic assault crimes happened back-to-back in Paris, France. One involved a Jewish boy and the other a kosher restaurant. However, the worst antisemitic crimes are the ones happening within the borders of Israel. Just recently, many Arab-Israelis rioted in northern Israel calling for a Palestinian State or the current Israeli government to convert to Sharia Law.
The riots may have just been the beginning because it seems that Muslims in Israel are now calling on their kin to kill Jews. They are sending the message out through a billboard that commands Muslims to run over Jews with their cars.
According to an article by the Jerusalem Post, a billboard was recently put up just below the police station in Israel’s largest Arab town Nazareth. It reads as follows.
“Running over organization of Nazareth.”
The billboard’s message is actually connected to a wider Palestinian movement which has been calling for the running over of Jews following recent terror attacks, in which Israelis have been run over by Palestinians in vehicles. Among those calling for this form of assault against the Jews is the Fatah, the party that the current Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is a part of.
Details of this movement were reported by Pamela Geller. It should be reported that the Fatah Party is known to be the party of “Moderate Muslims,” in which one who identify strongly with the idea of liberal Islam and also advocates moderation in the manifestation and expression of Islamic politics. Summarized, Moderate Muslims are those who don’t identify themselves as “extremist” or “terrorists.” This may be a farce if the Fatah Party is now calling for Muslims to run down Jews and kill them with their cars. As a matter of fact, Mahmoud Abbas himself praised Muslims who did such, according to Palestinian News Watch.
Right now, the movement is picking up a lot of steam thanks to social media. Facebook happens to be the favored method of promoting the killing of Jews with cars. There are even images and other forms of promotion to utilize for this movement. One example is shown below, which shows a Palestinian man running over Israeli soldiers “for Jerusalem.”
This terrorist campaign will surely increase tensions between Jews and Muslims in Israel. Taking into account that the recent Arab-Israeli riots resulted in one Arab-Israeli man and one police officer getting killed, the last thing Israel needs is more violence. However, with this billboard up in place, violence – especially the antisemitic kind – has a high chance of increasing.
What do you think about the billboard sign calling for Muslims to run over and kill Jews? Do you believe it should be taken down?
[Images via Pamela Geller]