Apollo Nida was sentenced on last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta , and fans saw how he was emotionally unstable as he broke down over possibly losing the last moments with his children. Phaedra Parks had packed up her bags and taken her children to a hotel while he was being sentenced. Parks didn’t want her children to see the paparazzi or be there when their father was going to court.
Apollo Nida was upset with his wife because he couldn’t get to say goodbye to his children if he was sentenced to jail immediately. He couldn’t say goodbye to the kids and his wife, and he would have been left alone for years to come.
According to a new Us Magazine report, The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida shared his side of the story on last night’s premiere. It is no secret that these two have been arguing behind closed doors, and people were predicting that a divorce would happen. Now, fans are seeing what happened leading up to Apollo Nida’s sentencing.
“I understand what I’ve done is illegal. It’s wrong. But it’s fixable,” Apollo Nida said of his sentencing, adding that he is ready to deal with the consequences.
“Apollo’s a big boy…he will have to deal with his choices, today, alone,” Phaedra Parks revealed of his sentencing, saying that he did this to himself and should deal with this alone.
Apollo Nida was sentenced to eight years, but he was allowed to go home for a couple of days to handle his last-minute issues. The premiere episode was dramatic, and Phaedra is concerned about watching this season, as much of her dirty laundry will be aired to the world.
“She’s nervous about it and knows this will be the hardest season to sit and watch,” a source has revealed, adding, “She’ll have to force herself, literally. She’s dreading it because it will reopen all the pain and suffering she’s recently gone through with Apollo and she doesn’t know what’s going to be aired and what’s not. She doesn’t know what to expect.”
Many people assumed that she was the one who wanted the divorce because she felt betrayed by Apollo Nida. But on the premiere last night, Apollo Nida asked her for a divorce. People were assuming that Phaedra would take him back once he got released, according to the Inquisitr , but it sounds like their marriage is done for good.
“She has a strict rule at her house and that’s that her nannies make sure to monitor to boys TV schedule and under no circumstances are they to watch or see ‘Real Housewives’ or the news,” the source revealed, adding, “She’s trying to protect her boys from relieving the most dramatic time of their young lives from what happened to their father.”
What do you think about hearing Apollo Nida’s side of the story? Do you feel sorry for him?
[Image via CocoFab]