Anne Hathaway admits that she’s embarrassed to confess her recent diet shift. But after picking at plates of garbanzo beans topped with tofu in an attempt to stay true to her vegan diet, Hathaway increasingly felt fatigued while filming Interstellar , she told the Insider . As a result, Anne shifted to a Paleo-style high protein diet and happily gobbled up animal protein ranging from poultry to fish.
Apologizing to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Hathaway revealed what prompted her to end her plant-based plan. It occurred while she was filming a water scene that required high levels of endurance and energy.
“I fell off so hard… So you imagine what that’s like — what it’s like running through water and then you wear a 40-pound suit on top of it, so for me it was intense. I was facing my life, I don’t know how many days in a row of, like, garbanzo beans on a plate.”
To experiment with a change in diet, Anne decided to see if eating animal protein helped. And once she started a Paleo-style low carb diet and fueled her body with non-vegan foods such as fish, Hathaway had no desire to go back, she told Harper’s Bazaar .
Anne made the confession over a plate of eggs and sausage, which she ate with gusto. However, Hathaway emphasized that she stayed on her vegan diet until the Interstellar shoot in Iceland, which required that she wear a 40-pound space suit.
“I just didn’t feel good or healthy, not strong,” she said of her vegan diet days.
After her initial non-vegan meal of fish in a Reykjavík restaurant, Anne said that she felt the difference immediately.
“[I] just felt better.”
Hathaway has been through highs and lows in losing weight for various roles. She shed pounds to appear as Fantine in Les Miserables , and although some observers speculated that she was starving and had anorexia, her spokesperson said that she was following a “special diet.”
“[Anne needs to] look more frail as she is playing a prostitute who is dying of tuberculosis.” said the rep of the reason for her drastic diet.
Anne isn’t the only celebrity following a Paleo-style high protein low carb diet . As the Inquisitr revealed, Snooki also has chosen caveman cuisine for her pre-wedding weight loss.
In accordance with Paleo diet guidelines, Snooki avoids bread, pasta, cereal, processed foods, and anything containing sugar. Instead, Nicole focuses on consuming protein, non-starchy vegetables, and some fruit.
“I am eating lots of greens, a lot of grilled chicken, salad and some fruits,” she noted.
But it’s not just diet that Snooki and Anne have in common. Both have received some negative feedback as a result of their outspoken views. And while Snooki has maintained her self-esteem successfully, Hathaway only recently learned to deal more successfully with her haters, she told Ellen DeGeneres. As she notes in the video below, however, it has not been easy.
[Photo By Scott Olson/Getty Images]