Michelle Bachmann is going on the offensive after CBS political analyst John Dickerson mistakenly including one of the Republican’s staff members in an email regarding the networks upcoming debate
In the email Dickerson told his recipients that Bachmann would likely receive very few questions during the debate because she’s “nearly off the charts” in popularity polls.
Bachmann’s campaign told the Los Angeles Times that the email shows a “planned effort to limit questions” for the politicians.
In an email to supporters Bachmann’s campaign manager Keith Nahigian wrote:
“As Michele prepared her plans to debate on CBS, we received concrete evidence confirming what every conservative already knows—the liberal mainstream media elites are manipulating the Republican debates by purposely suppressing our conservative message.”
For their part CBS is sticking to their guns, in a public statement the company said the email was a:
“Candid exchange about the reality of the circumstances—Bachmann remains at 4% in the polls.”
The GOP polls have changed repeatedly over the last several months with new front runners constantly ahead in the polls, given that fact do you believe Michelle Bachmann should not have been targeted by CBS?
It will be interesting to see if Bachmann attempts to “cut in” as questions are being answered during the CBS debate.
[Image via Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com ]