Bungie did a solid for a huge Destiny fan that is recovering from multiple brain surgeries and made a heartwarming story even more so. The man’s wife related the tale of how the PlayStation 4 version of the game aided her husband’s recovery and he received a very special Exotic weapon from the game developer.
Reddit user Bkbunny87 told the story of her husband, who has undergone seven brain surgeries over the last eleven months. Both were looking forward to the release of Destiny and were worried that he would not have the opportunity to play the game.
“To my extreme surprise, his Neurologist told us that video games have been showing tremendous use as a PT tool for brain and memory damage. He even brought Destiny up on his computer and after some speed reading he was all but jumping at the opportunity the game could pose for someone in my husbands[sic] position.”
“Guardians, he was so happy. One extra playstation in the house and he was good to go. I have been shocked how well he has taken to it. Once an avid cook, he was no longer able to navigate our kitchen — but with Destiny, it was like a duck to water. He has always been exceptionally good at games, and it seems like that hadn’t changed a bit.”
“It’s been a joy to watch him.”
“It’s been a little over a week, and the games effect on him has been so strong. Weak for months, he is flourishing in more than just the game world. He has been going out more, doing chores, making jokes. The effect of playing the game on his mood has been almost staggering.”
That Reddit post received more than 2,000 upvotes, with some members of the Destiny community providing well wishes and volunteering to help Bkbunny’s husband with the raid. In a follow-up Reddit post , she revealed that Bungie community manager David “Deej” Dague went a step further by giving the Fate Of All Fools to her husband, an Exotic Scout Rifle that has yet to be released in the game.
“But just as amazing, Deej contacted me and has sent my husband a care package from Bungie that is on the way. Then this morning, a message from Deej told us to have my husband check with Tess the Post Master in the tower. Lots of screaming ensued.”
“He has been sent the exotic gun Fate Of All Fools, a solar primary that looks like it will be available in future content.”
“Vision of Confluence had been my husbands dream weapon, as scout is his favorite and he wanted that solar damage. A more perfect weapon could not have been chosen. I’m so jealous, but mostly so damn happy for him. As for him — well, you can imagine :)”
As proof, she shared the following two images showing the Fate of All Fools . It’s already been discovered by DestinyDB via mining the data files, but this is the first time that it has been seen in-game.
Congrats to Bkbunny87 and her husband — and here’s to a speedy, Destiny -filled recovery. Kudos also to the Destiny Reddit community and Bungie for small yet very impactful gestures. Sometimes, those are the best.
[Images via Bungie , Reddit]