Gross Halloween Candy Wars Erupt: Roundups Of Wanted And Unwanted Treats

For awhile, the focus on unwanted Halloween candy was the scare that it would be used to give medical marijuana treats to children. Now that this scandal has been addressed, the next step is to rate candy and figure out how to get rid of unwanted Halloween candy.

A final list of all unwanted Halloween treats.
A final list of all unwanted Halloween treats.

The idea of unwanted comes in several forms, but the main idea is that some parties do not want the candy because it is unhealthy, and other trick-or-treaters do not want certain types of Halloween candy because it tastes bad.

Not all Halloween candy headlines are about trick-or-treaters and what they do or do not like. The Wall Street Journal reports that Hershey’s is having a tough time selling candy this year due to rising ingredients costs, but feels encouraged by this year’s rising Halloween candy sales. Fortune states that the main ingredient that is costing Hershey’s is dairy.

Be careful where you get your Halloween candy from.
Be careful where you get your Halloween candy from.

For parents who do not want their kids eating a lot of Halloween candy, the trend of sending their kids’ candy to soldiers overseas persists. WKRN reports that local dentists typically collect the candy to send to soldiers and give kids money in exchange. If you want to eat Halloween candy with less guilt, the Daily Meal created an infographic that you can use as a guide to eat Halloween candy from most wanted to most unwanted.

There was a prevalent warning to not be the house that gives out toothbrushes and dental floss instead of Halloween candy.
There was a prevalent warning to not be the house that gives out toothbrushes and dental floss instead of Halloween candy.
The varieties of unwanted Halloween candy are extensive.
The varieties of unwanted Halloween candy are extensive.

On Twitter, the trending topic the day before Halloween was #UnwantedHalloweenCandy. This informal poll of Twitter users produced many photos and status updates that listed the worst trick-or-treats ever received. Following suite, SFGate touts the 15 grossest Halloween candy, according to their polls, and many of the brands the Twitter users did not like were on their list.

Raunch competition ensues during #UnwantedHalloweenTreats posting on Twitter.
Raunch competition ensues during #UnwantedHalloweenTreats posting on Twitter.

Adding to eccentric and truly frightening candies, the published their own list of unwanted Halloween candy from types available on their website. Revolting Halloween candies from their PRWeb press release includes, “gummy boogers with ‘salty’ aftertaste… dead crickets… crunchy candy pickles that taste like fruit… labeled urine samples… real insects in chocolate… squishy chunks of ear wax.”

Smoked pork rind pellets are acceptable Halloween candy to some.
Smoked pork rind pellets are acceptable Halloween candy to some.

To keep your house from being egged or toilet-papered, E! Online has 15 tips to keep trick-or-treaters satisfied with your Halloween candy selections. If that is not strong enough, Halloween candy that will alienate your neighbors and make you pariah was the focus of FoodDive. Their list of the worst candy ideas for Halloween include Breaking Bad blue crystal rock candy in a baggie or giving out candy cigarettes.

Mixed messages about healthy and unhealthy unwanted trick or treat candy.
Mixed messages about healthy and unhealthy unwanted trick or treat candy.

To refine your treat bowl full of Halloween candy to its tastiest point, try the ideas set forth by Slate’s guest blogger. She normally writes for the Candy Blog, and has a list of candies that are expected to please most Halloween candy critics.

In the article, “Tricky Treats: The newest trend in Halloween sweets? Candy that’s supposed to taste like other candy,” author Cybele May states that green apple caramel and gourmet candy corn are at the top of the lists. To make sure you pick the perfect candy, Sumo Coupon has a list of the best Halloween candy arranged according to state favorites for Halloween candy.

All photos and videos in this article are from social media or sources linked in the article.

Zit Poppers may be an ordinary candy, but the description makes it uninviting as Halloween candy.
Zit Poppers may be an ordinary candy, but the description makes it uninviting as Halloween candy.
Ear wax Halloween candy is unbearable and unwanted.
Ear wax Halloween candy is unbearable and unwanted.
The idea of eating the poop of the Waddling Penguin Pooper puts it on the grossest Halloween candy list of many.
The idea of eating the poop of the Waddling Penguin Pooper puts it on the grossest Halloween candy list of many.
Two of the top Unwanted Halloween Treats displayed repeatedly on Twitter.
Two of the top Unwanted Halloween Treats displayed repeatedly on Twitter.
The ickiest unwanted candy for Halloween is often horrifying on multiple levels.
The ickiest unwanted candy for Halloween is often horrifying on multiple levels.
Raisins top the list for gross Halloween candy.
Raisins top the list for gross Halloween candy.
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