The New York City hatchet attack may be a lone wolf ISIS terrorism attack. Local, state, and federal law enforcement entities are now investigating NYC police hatchet attack suspect Zale Thompson . The hatchet attack left one police officer injured in the arm, one NYPD officer in critical condition with a head wound, a 29-year-old female bystander wounded, and the hatchet-wielding assailant dead. The woman was reportedly about a block away when she was hit by a stray bullet fired by one of the uninjured New York City police officers who took down the alleged ISIS supporter. The woman is reportedly in stable condition.
The NYC police hatchet attack occurred in Queens in broad daylight on Thursday. Zale Thompson, 32, has been identified as the hatchet attack suspect. Thompson is reportedly a Muslim who recently posted radical Islamic phrases on Facebook.
Although NYPD Chief William Bratton maintains that it is “too early” to tell if Zale Thompson’s NYC police hatchet attack was motivated by ISIS. An unidentified police source told Vocativ that Thompson appears to have ties to a “radical Islam” leader who supports aggressive actions toward the United States government.
Zale Thompson posted this comment on YouTube last month.
“If you’re looking for ‘perfect’ Muslims who never make any mistakes in their Jihad, then you will be looking in vain! If the Zionists and the Crusaders had never invaded and colonized the Islamic lands after WW1, then there would be no need for Jihad! Which is better, to sit around and do nothing, or to Jihad fisabeelallah!”
According to the New York City police hatchet attack suspect’s Facebook page, he graduated from the Teachers College at Columbia University in NYC.
Another YouTube comment by the NYPD hatchet attack suspect reads as follows.
“It’s ok for white people to draw pictures of a white Jesus, and then colonize Africa, and enslave the negro in America, wipe out the native American, and invade the middle east. They call black people racist for rejecting the oppression they suffered from whites. Listen, when black people have colonized the entire continent of Europe, enslaved its people, and sold them into bondage to foreign lands, then you can call them racist.”
On his Facebook page, Zale Thompson reportedly called for guerrilla warfare.
“America’s military is strong abroad, but they have never faced an internal mass revolt. They are weaker at home. We are scattered and decentralized, we can use this as an advantage. They are centralized and strong, which can be exploited as a weakness. Think of a swarm of bees (negroes) that surround and attack an elephant (America) to death. Helicopters, big military will be useless on their own soil. They will not be able to defeat our people if we use guerilla warfare. Attack their weak flanks… If you get wounded who cares. If you die who cares. Eventually they will surrender and then the war will be over.”
Do you think the NYC police hatchet attack by Zale Thompson was an act of ISIS terrorism?