Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans has worked really hard to change her life around and even Dr. Drew noticed a big change in the young mother, which resulted in applause during the Teen Mom reunion special. But it sounds like Jenelle Evans can’t really change people’s opinions of her, no matter how many things she is doing right these days.
Jenelle Evans is currently working on getting custody of Jace, as her mother has agreed to start the transfer process. Barbara just wants to make sure that Jace is happy and doesn’t feel abandoned by her. Plus, she did bring up a concern regarding Nathan Griffith’s drinking, as he has had three DUIs and gets angry when he drinks. But Evans herself appears to be making the right choices.
According to a new Wetpaint Entertainment report, Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans recently got a second visit from Child Protective Services, which was completely unannounced and unexpected. Just weeks ago, CPS was called over 50 times by Jenelle’s Twitter followers, who believed that she had posted a picture of her 3-month old son with a black eye. CPS called her and talked to her, which resulted in the case being dismissed.
This week, CPS showed up once again because they had gotten reports of Jace being abused by Evans. Apparently, CPS had gotten calls from people, who claimed that her five-year-old son Jace was being abused by Jenelle in the home she shares with Nathan Griffith and their young son, Kaiser. However, it sounds like they found nothing as the state of North Carolina has officially closed the case.
Jenelle Evans posted a picture to Twitter, revealing “there was no evidence to substantiate abuse, neglect or dependency.” The letter also lists the case as “unsubstantiated and closed.”
Evans’ Twitter followers may have contacted CPS in hopes of getting Jace removed from the home to prove that she is an unfit mother. But there was no evidence in the home to indicate that she is a bad parent. Jenelle can’t catch a break; as she shared the letter on Twitter, people began arguing that she had forged the letter by pointing out spelling mistakes.
The Inquisitr covered the first visit from CPS when people believed that she had given her young son a black eye. It does seem like Jenelle Evans is giving her Twitter followers everything they need to make life miserable for her. She posted the picture of Kaiser, which led to the first visit from CPS. She has also been tweeting about the activities she has been doing with Jace, which could have led to the second visit.
Do you think the hatred would stop if Jenelle Evans held back on her Twitter account?
[Image via MTV ]